by Janine Ashbless
Welcome, gentle readers, to the Friday Smut slot!
On Monday this week we discussed fervent religions. On Wednesday we considered sun, sand and sex in exotic places. Fortuitously, I can continue both themes today with my 2002 novel Divine Torment, which is back in print this month (October 16th in the US). It’s actually the prequel to Burning Bright, so if you’ve read
, then this is your chance to find out how my two heroes got themselves into such a mess – and why Veraine deals so badly with alcohol, and why Myrna is, er, "differently sane" to everyone else in the world.
If you haven’t read Burning Bright, then please let me introduce you to the original:
Divine Torment is "Like Gladiator, set in a mythical realm," according to the publishers blurb. Yeah: I like that. It’s swords ‘n’ sandals ‘n’ sex, with a big helping of scary religion on top. If you like Spartans you’ll appreciate my Irolian army men – though I wrote this long before "300" came out. Divine Torment is also a heartfelt romance set across a bitter racial divide.
The Plot: In the ancient desert temple-city of Mulhanabin, the Malia Shai awaits her destiny. She is the divine priestess of the terrifying Goddess of the Cruel Earth and millions across the Eternal Empire worship her, believing her to be the goddess Malia incarnate. But Mulhanabin is under threat from the invading Horse-eater horde that approaches across the desert, so the overlords of the Empire send a force of soldiers to occupy the city and hold it against the invaders. The leader of the occupying hosts is the rugged and brooding General Veraine. He and his men are of a different ethnic group to the inhabitants of the sacred city and he has no respect for their ‘primitive’ gods, but against his better judgement he becomes obsessed with the Malia Shai. In turn, though she has been raised to be an empty and completely passionless vessel of divine power, she becomes fascinated with this handsome stranger. Intimate contact between them is forbidden by every law of their two hostile peoples. But she is in the end the only thing he wants – and he will risk everything to have her.
Comment on this post and you’ll be entered into a draw to WIN A COPY of Divine Torment! (Don’t forget to identify yourself somehow in your Comment.) Winner(s) will be announced on Tuesday.
BONUS DRAW: I have a spare copy of the Japanese Version of Divine Torment, so if you can read Japanese – or you know someone who does and would like a smutty present – identify yourself and win!
By the way, the new cover characters look NOTHING like my heroes. Tomorrow I’m posting my Veraine Lookalike picture and he’ll be up all week in the righthand sidebar here on Lust Bites.
Here, then is an excerpt. The scene set-up: Our two protagonists have been circling each other for weeks. Veraine has been the target of a botched assassination attempt and is confined to bed with a shoulder wound, feeling sore and grouchy.
He woke suddenly and saw the Malia Shai was sitting on the edge of the bed next to him.
‘I didn’t mean to startle you,’ she said.
She sat so close he might have swept his good arm around her. He could smell the incense on her clothes. His stomach tightened with dismay. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘I came to bring you this salve.’ She showed him a small pot with a wax seal. ‘It’s made from a desert plant; I thought your doctors might not have any.’ She paused. Her hair was wrapped away from sight again, her eyes calm. He might almost have imagined that fire in them as she had knelt over him on the Citadel wall. ‘Next time your wound is dressed, get them to put this on too.’

‘Were there guards on the door?’ he demanded, but he kept his voice low.
‘Yes. Two. They’re protecting you now.’
‘Oh shit.’
'They let me in. They must think I’m an unlikely assassin.’
There was a hint of humour in her voice, but he shook his head, not listening, and told her, ‘Get out of here.’
She put the pot down on the floor. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘What’s wrong? You’re here alone with me in my bedroom. And you walked past two witnesses to get here!’
He hissed in exasperation. ‘Well, I don’t know what it means among your people when a woman goes into a man’s chamber, but to an Irolian that only has one interpretation.’
She blinked. ‘What does it matter what your guards think?’
Somewhere deep inside he was disappointed. He might have been hoping for a blush or a smile or a flash of alarm – anything that acknowledge the possibility of sexual contact between them. It made him brutal. ‘What about the high priest?’ he asked. ‘How long will it take for him to hear? Get out of this room!’
She wasn’t impressed. ‘Don’t be foolish. You’re hurt. And I’m the Malia Shai – I am beyond carnal lusts.’
If he hadn’t been so angry and frustrated he might have shrugged off the unintended slight. Instead he growled, ‘Well, that must be very nice for you, priestess. Congratulations. Unfortunately I’m made of weaker flesh and for my comfort you really should leave.’
‘What do you mean?’
Her breath was sweet; warm and close enough to drive him mad. He fixed her gaze with his own. The last shreds of discretion were falling from him like leaves scorched by the desert sun.
‘Do you really want to know? I’ll explain exactly what I mean, Malia Shai, if you like.’ He kept his voice low, but he spoke with punishing precision. ‘I mean that your presence here now is giving me a most painful hard-on. I mean that I can’t think of you without wanting you, and can’t go a single hour without thinking of you. I look at your lips and I want to see them wrapped around my prick. I want your breasts in my hands and I want your nipples between my teeth. I want to feel you move beneath me as I fuck you from one end of the night to the other. I want to cover you like a stallion covers a mare. I want to hear the noises you make as you come beneath me.’
He tried to swallow, but his throat was dry. ‘When you walk toward me I’m obsessed with your mouth and your breasts; when you walk away I’m overwhelmed with wanting your arse. The turn of your head makes me sweat. I want you to sit on my face and drown me. I want to fill every hole you have. I want to fill you so full of my spend that it runs out of you in rivers, and I want to make you scream and weep and beg me never to stop.
‘Does that clear up any misunderstanding between us?’ he concluded bitterly.
She stared, her face as blank as her goddess mask. ‘That’s … nonsense,’ she whispered.
He grabbed her hand and forced his fingers between hers, spreading it. ‘You don’t believe me?’ He laid her small cool palm on the centre of his chest, feeling his heartbeat hammer up into her bones. He was feverish. He dragged her hand slowly down his bare skin, over the hard breastbone, over the burning slab of his belly, through the first flecks of hair beneath his navel. The pain of his wound was throbbing through his veins and every pulse was making his cock jump and thicken. She wasn’t fighting him, but he could feel the tension in her arm. He forced her hand over the top of his belt, through the folds of linen, round the wall of his upraised thigh and finally, firmly, pressed it onto the thick curve of his cock. Hidden as it was under the tatters of his tunic, it was undeniably erect and struggling for freedom. It heaved under her hand.
All the time he stared into her eyes, searching for any response in those brown depths. She stared back with the fathomless unreadable regard of the desert.
‘Believe me now?’

Then he released her, letting his hand rest heavy on hers. She did not pull away. He felt her fingers beneath his on his prick, and he could have cried out for the torment and the pleasure of that touch.
And finally something broke in her gaze and he watched her face twist with emotion. She withdrew her hand and, standing, backed off across his chamber.
He watched her go in despair. He had unburdened himself of the words imprisoned within him, words he knew he should never have spoken. As the door smacked to he was left with an emptiness in his chest and the feeling that he had broken irrevocably something precious.
Cursing himself, he loosened his clothing and freed his cock, unable to resist its demands any more than he had been able to hold back the acid torrent of words. His balls were clenched with their burden. The hot skin under his grip felt like satin sliding over the wood-hard length beneath. Two firm strokes and his scrotum was knotting like a fist. Pain stabbed his shoulder. He closed his eyes, picturing the Malia Shai’s full lips, the soft ripe curve of them descending toward his swollen prick, the hint of moisture within, the little pink tip of her tongue preparing to lap at him – and with that the cauldron seething within him boiled over, the contents spouting and frothing like scalded cream over his fingers, his thigh, his twitching belly. He plunged headlong into the agony and the delight with a moan of despair.
PS: Don't forget - today (Friday) is your last chance to use our fabulous LoveHoney money-off offer. You're never too old for toys! See the link on the right.
Crikey Moses, that's hot stuff! Wonderful writing... I just love his frustration. :)
Hi Portia - aren't we the early birds?
I suspect the fact that Veraine deals with his frustration by jacking off is one of the reasons I get accused of being a bloke. It's not terribly romantic. But, honestly, I mean - he would, wouldn't he?
Wow Janine, I'm really looking forward to reading this. I did it all wrong and read the sequal, Burning Bright, first.
I loved that and now I'm very eager to learn all that happened between Veraine and Myrna.
Couldn't you forget I was a member of LB and let me win. Please!
Wow! Smoldering, Janine. Great frustration and tension. Nice juicy release too, but with the promise of continued tension.
Nice way to start my day.
Darn, I could really go for a Japanese copy of your book. The cover is so-oo pretty. Not that I can read Japanese (I don't think 20 or so words counts.)
Great excerpt.
Fabulous excerpt! Love the premise of a woman beyond carnal lust being matched with a guy like Veraine.
Another snippet of a story that makes me wonder why i didn't think of it first...! Dammit!
She stared back with the fathomless unreadable regard of the desert.
I love it. I'm surprised the jacking-off makes you get accused of being a bloke - it's the ultimate narcissistic fantasy. Doesn't every woman have fantasies about men fantasising about them? (Very postmodern and meta-something and hard to hold the frames in your head when the fantasy starts getting more detailed, but...) I want to be Malia Shai. Not so sure I'm beyond carnal lusts, though, and I've never quite got the hang of inscrutability.
I'm the late bird.
Working too hard and just couldn't resist temptation and poked my head in for a voyeuristic peek before bed.
Bad Ally, smacks own hand.
It's 3am. Janine that was amazing. You have guaranteed an uneasy sleep for me, dreaming of thick cocks bursting with need and sexual frustration. Oh I will be aching. Good thing my bunny with only 4 buttons still works.
Sweet creams... I mean dreams for me tonight.
I'll be back around noon my time... or 8pm UK to see all the fun everyone had while I slumbered. Oh ya I'm going to have fun too... duh.
i really enjoyed that excerpt and look forward to reading the book. hope i can find it around here somewhere :)
Hey Deanna - did you know Donna at BL kept getting us mixed up? I suppose it's the Ashford/Ashbless and the fact we both write sword-swinging warrior types.
I'm looking forward to your Templar book!
I didn't know that Janine, clearly it was Ashbless and Ashford that threw her.
I love learning about the past and I find that compelling enough. But I'm always drawn back to my own fantasy world where barbarian warriors battle strange creatures and just about anything can happen. What is it about swords and the men that can use them so expertly that I find so sexy?
Ashbless and Ashford
Doesn't that sound like a detective agency? You'd only solve the sexiest crimes and PDC's Vincent could come and, um, help you.
Brilliant snippet, btw. Definitely leaves us all wanting more!
I love scenes where guys masturbate. I'm with Olivia. It's the hottest damn thing.
Oh, English and Japanese. I'm interesting in both (just because I can), but this looks like a really yummy story here.
"Ashbless and Ashford
We take on the dirtiest cases."
Got a taker for the Japanese book!
And yes, Mathilde, I love to "watch" guys masturbating. As you can probably tell. Hot!
There's just something about being too full to contain it all...
Not sure why I used quotes up there.
Lokin' good, Janine, lookin' very good. Congrats on the release of your book.
I am so going to get this! Waht a great excerpt. I love historicals and the hero sounds yummy!
What's wrong with men jacking off? I often get my guys to do that-in my fiction I mean :)
I have to wait until October?
Ashbless and Ashford, private detectives, specialising in the dirtiest, naughtiest cases! Sounds better than Hetty Winthrope Investigates (Well it is something like that I've never watched it)
In that case, I'll need a rather tatty looking raincoat, so that I can lurk on street-corners and peep into forbidden places without being noticed.
By the way could we have a handsome emotionally tortured vampire to help us out?
By the way could we have a handsome emotionally tortured vampire to help us out?
Let's have two. You can have Angel and I'll have this guy.
Don't think he'd be very helpful, mind you. And I'd be a mite distracted.
Wow! This sounds awesome! I am impressed!
Hmm, I've written a fair few jacking-off scenes too, and one man in Phantasmagoria does some serious self-loving.
Yes! Will you know who be wearing only small leather shorts?
Angel will do me fine, especially if he first appears as he was when you posted him as the sidebar guy. I could at least try and cheer him up a little. It wouldn't be true love/or was it perfect happiness? So he wouldn't lose his soul if we made the relationship a tad more unprofessional.
Loved the HOT excerpt would love to read more!
Hot stuff, Deanna!
Uh, I mean Janine. And oh yes, men wanking invariably get my vote.
Many congrats on the re-issue. I'm looking forward to seeing looky-likey sidebar guy tomorrow.
men wanking invariably get my vote
Well, it's more fun than kissing babies.
I so wanna read this book!
Ashley V
And it just goes to show—there's no substitute for a good, old-fashioned handshake when you're, um, standing for Parliament.
Oh, I love writing scenes of men... pleasuring themselves... mmm... Seems romantic to me if he's thinking about his honey at the time.
Hey, Alison, if there's any 'helping' to be done by Detective R. Goren, I get first dibs on it!!! :)
Everyone have a safe weekend, I'm off camping. See you on Tuesday.(shameless plug alert!) Come see Madeline on Wed at Romance Galleria.
I'm late commenting.(Darn computer problems!) That was one hot read. I'll definitely look for your book at my book store!
Don't forget to look in on Tuesday when I'll post the winner. Plus I have a most beautiful model to assist me with the results. We're talking arm porn again, just for you Mathilde.
I want to fill you so full of my spend that it runs out of you in rivers, and I want to make you scream and weep and beg me never to stop.
Why don't fierce, hot warrior guys like Verlaine say that to me? Sigh.
It takes a gifted writer to generate so much heat in an encounter that involves no actual consummation! As a reader, I love to be teased that way -- I love it when an author builds desire between lovers through internal and external conflict before they even get together.
And Malia is beyond carnal lust?? Hah! Not after laying her hands on that heaving cock. I'm intrigued by the way her religious role suppresses her sexuality -- can't wait to see how that gets circumvented.
This is beautiful writing, Janine, and a blistering hot scene. I have to chime in with everyone above who enjoys male masturbation scenes -- I find them incredibly hot. I love the idea of men seething with frustration, and this scene is beautifully done.
What a perfect little snippet of your story to get me in the mood on a Sunday afternoon! Talk about frustration! ;P
I would love, love, love to read this as I love the old time era. My imagination (and curiosity) flows from reading that extract. I just simply have to know what happens next!
Thanks so much everyone.
I still find it hard to believe that I make people come. With words. With my words. Isn't life wonderful sometimes?
What a great excerpt - I'm looking forward to reading this book.
Hi Janine... very very hot! Please do enter me in your contest for the novel.
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