Guest Blogger: James Lear
Fag Hag: Kristina Lloyd
Filthy. Funny. Gay. Three words to make many women prick up their ears. (I said *ears*! Quit with the anagrams.) James Lear ranks highly on all these fronts (I said *ranks*) so we're thrilled to have him on Lust Bites. James's Back Passage (Cleis Press) is a brilliantly funny riot of shagging and sleuthing, and I have never read a book with so much come in it. Ahem. I mean, I can highly recommend it. It's topped the Lesbian and Gay Bestseller charts on both Amazon UK and Amazon US, and is also - woo hoo! - a finalist in the Lambda Literary Awards. The results will be announced tomorrow at a super swish ceremony in New York so we've got our fingers and legs crossed on Lust Bites (okay, just our fingers) and we're all rooting for James's Back Passage.
James is here today to tell us more about his Back Passage, his latest release, Hot Valley, and to mull over a question that's been puzzling him: Why do women like my hot, cock-filled gay porn?
When I started writing gay erotic fiction, I assumed that the readers would be almost exclusively male, and that they’d be reading it for one reason only. Much to my surprise and delight, I’ve discovered that a very significant percentage of my readership is female, and that they’re far more forthright in their enjoyment of the books than men. The majority of the reviews on Amazon, both in the UK and the US, are written by women, and I’ve had no end of really great, positive feedback from female readers both in person and online.Thinking about it, I suppose I should have known. I remember girl friends back in the day telling me that they enjoyed reading about sex, and that a good dirty story got them far more excited than looking at pictures of knobs. But I’d assumed that they would need some point of identification – that there would have to be a woman in there so that they could imagine it was “about me”. Nothing of the sort, as it turns out: my readers tell me that they enjoy reading about men in sexual situations for all sorts of reasons, that they enjoy the wider range of roles available in same-sex coupling (as opposed to the formulaic approach of so much hetero stuff) and that they can get into sex scenes whatever the genders.
And there’s another surprise: these readers are by no means all straight women. Many of them are lesbians, and they’re right in there with the rest of them getting off on descriptions of two men fucking.
So what exactly is drawing in this female readership – and why are they so much more articulate in their appreciation of erotic writing than men? I think men take a more functional approach to porn, both written and photographed: they choose what specifically turns them on, they consume it and they get off. That’s what I assumed when writing the four erotic novels I’ve done to date. The basic deal is that there are two good wanks per chapter (one for older readers), and, in the “down time”, enough plot and humour and good writing to keep you entertained.Obviously the nuts and bolts aspect of the writing also works for women, who, I am reliably informed, “enjoy” erotic writing in exactly the same way as men. But it seems that female readers have less rigid ideas of what will work for them; they’re open to a wider range of stimuli. Some get off on the depiction of men as vulnerable, passive sex objects; others like the depiction of strong, rough, masculine figues (there are plenty of both). Some like the romance aspects, and the happy endings; others go for the historical or genre trappings. The Back Passage, my biggest seller and the first for US publisher Cleis, is a 1920s country house murder mystery – basically, it’s Agatha Christie and Gosford Park with yards of cock – and that, more than any other, has got female readers’ juices flowing.
But this isn’t just a question of sexually-open women enjoying male/male erotica as part of a smorgasbord of literary stimulation. There are several female readers, and indeed writers, who are choosing to specialise in m/m material. One reader told me how she actively seeks out m/m erotica, and scares male shoppers by hanging around the gay section in bookshops. Several female romance writers have found their way to m/m fiction and explore it with a completely new sensibility.
We’re used to the clichĂ© of gay men finding points of identification in movies with strong female leads; I wonder if this move towards m/m erotica signals a similar quest among women who are dissatisfied with the traditional roles they’re given in m/f books and films and are looking for material that takes them on a wider imaginative journey. I well remember watching a Jeff Stryker gay porn movie with a butch lesbian friend of mine many years ago, and her stomping around going “I wish I had a dick as big as Jeff’s so I could fuck anyone I fancied!”. I’m certainly not suggesting that this is some form of literary penis envy, but I do think that gay porn has a liberating effect on women’s imaginations.
Gay male readers also enjoy the books, thank God, but are far less likely to engage in discussion of them than women. As for officially straight men – and I know that they’re out there reading these books, checking out gay websites, cruising the gay/bi chatrooms and the saunas – they probably wank themselves silly and then chuck the book in the bin. I would love to know what they think, but I resign myself to the fact that I will probably never find out. One female reader tells me that she likes to get all steamed up with a good bit of m/m erotica and then leap on her husband to try out lots of new ideas. Do us a favour and get him to read a bit too, and report back.
Perhaps the new one, Hot Valley – an American Civil War epic – will grab the men as well, as it’s got lots of fighting and shooting, as well as some extremely dirty bits involving officers and foot soldiers, life in army camps and prisons and a huge variety of uniforms for the characters to take off.
I started writing erotica at a time when I was stalled in my “legit” writing career (I write novels under my “real” name, Rupert Smith) and needed an outlet. Now I find myself in a situation where the porn is outselling the literary fiction. It’s also had a healthy effect on my other writing, getting me in touch with the very basic functions of fiction: to excite, entertain and delight, not to be clever-clever. James Lear has liberated Rupert Smith, and it’s a happy symbiosis.
Please note: the man in the suit is Rupert Smith. James, I'm told, is kept under lock and key at a home for elderly nymphomaniacs. One of these guys will be along later today. I don't know which. I am worried.
Check out Rupert's website for more on the proper books and visit James to explore the improper stuff.
FREE FILTH! Up for grabs: The Back Passage and Hot Valley. Add a comment and this double dose of depravity could be yours!
James, we're so very delighted to have you.
I think exactly what was missing in Agatha Christie was yards of cock - thanks for sorting that out!
For me, what's compelling about m/m porn is that it's so forbidden. The one sexual situation where women don't figure - so for once we can just sit back and watch like dirty voyeurs. I still feeling like I'm trespassing when it comes to m/m scenes.
Anyway, congrats on the Lambda and Hot Valley. I look forward to reading many more husbands du jour! And a huge thank you for visiting.
Ha ha ha. I think James/Rupert is teasing us. All the women round here love cock-filled porn. And I especially like the phrase cock-filled. I'm going to say it again (I like it hypenated)
And me personally, I would cheerfully buy any book with a naked man in the cover. There simply aren't enough of those.
I love m/m smut. My first Black Lace novel 'Peep Show' was about a woman who spies on gay men having sex. She would love your books, If I ever do a sequel I'll give her a shelf of them. (It'll do her good to stop watching gay porn for a bit.)
Oh James, you have such wonderful book covers! Thanks for visiting and I will be putting the 1920s novel on my to-buy list. Yes!
Why do women in general like m/m? No idea - I don't deal in generalities. Why do I like m/m?
1) One cock good, two cocks therefore better. Male bodies are yummy.
2) No, I don't need a female point of identification in a scene. I don't primarily identify myself by my gender.
3) But I've got a female body which I'm quite familiar with. The male body has an inherent Otherness and is always a source
of fascination.
4) This one's tricky but important to me: I have the feeling (or maybe just the hope)that with m/m sex, what you're seeing is the real thing (psychologically): it's how men want sex to be (even if only in an ideal world). It's sex not mediated through a filter of "romance" or "what women want" or "how to be considerate to your woman": more raw, more honest.
Of course this is only my theory, but you know, it makes it interesting for me as voyeur and general nosy sod.
Thanks for the post James!
This is a bit tangental but I wanted to pass it on. Last night I was talking with friends and the subject of why *Men* get such a big kick out of f/f scenes came up. This is my male friend's theory (paraphrased):
"The thing about Lesbian sex fantasies for men is the lack of sexual competition - That's my theory, anyway.
Men do *not* see women as competition. Deep down in his secret heart of hearts, no man really believes that a woman would genuinely pick another women over, say, him.
So a man enjoying a lesbian sex scene is really anticipating the moment he walks in and both girls turn to him and say 'Ooh, Adrian, come and join us! We need you!' "
Now, I am absolutely certain that that is NOT the reason behind me (female) enjoying m/m scenes.
What do you think?
Thanks for visiting LB, James!
I've no idea why I enjoy reading m/m sex scenes... I just do.
I must admit that I'm not familiar with any of your books, but will put THE BACK PASSAGE on my TBB list.
James, that was so interesting and welcome.
I've always found myself turned on by m/m scenes. I've never really deeply examined why I enjoy them but I get as much satisfaction, maybe even more, writing about them than I do m/f sexual encounters. Maybe it is just the rather forbidden nature of them that fascinates me so much.
When circumstances allowed me to, I try to include at least one m/m realationship in my books. I know one thing now, I'll definitely be logging onto Amazon and purchasing one of your books for myself.
Hmm. I like f/f fantasies partly because of the jealousy thing. The competitiveness adds a bit of spice.
So I think the 'no competition' theory in m/m/f fantasy rings true for me. At least partly.
But then, I'm not so big into the m/m as a sex fantasy, to be honest. It's an occasional thing for me, not a regular feature. (I know, I know, I'm a freak. So stone me!)
I'm just saying I haven't given the matter as much serious thought as some of us round here...
; )
Personally, it's because I want to be a gay man. (I admit I'd be reluctant to part with my breasts, though) This isn't penis envy - it's gay man envy; all these beautiful beautiful men that I'm not allowed to touch who will never be interested in me... I don't really want a penis, but if it's the only way I can have these fabulous creatures, so be it. Then fiction comes along, and blessedly solves the problem like some fairy godmother with a massive wand, granting my wishes without any sacrifices on my part.
Actually - it's not because I want to be a gay man. I want to have sex with gay men. (Everyone around here knows my preferences for androgynous types). Historical gay characters seem to be voted-most-likely-to-be-a-bit-girlish - Brideshead Revisited, et cetera - which might explain why the 1920s one is most popular with me. (Like Janine, I'm hesitant to speak for all women because Tilly will step up and contradict me, pointing out that plenty of women are perfectly capable of coping with great big strapping manly men, and I'm a bit scared of a) Tilly, b) her bodygaurd of strapping manly men, and c) her pack of werewolves.)
I love many things about The Back Passage but in particular, I love its filthy, celebratory approach. If the characters want sex, they have sex.
It's free of the angsty negotiations you often get in het romance - partly because it's m/m, partly because it's comedy. It's so refreshing to read about people getting it on without a great big preamble of kissy kissy and silly misunderstandings - which doesn't mean the book lacks heart. It is also a *very* funny read.
So yes, Lear's celebratory approach gets my vote - that, and the yards of cock.
May I hop aboard your tangent for a quick ride, Janine?
I like f/f because what interests and excites me the most in erotica, I think, is observing the sexuality and sexual pleasure of women. So I don't mind trading a hetero male to identify with for an additional sexy woman to drool over. Also, I find something especially beautiful about gentle, well written scenes in which women explore each other's bodies with a tender symmetry and gratify each other with an empathetic finesse.
I have to admit, I have only read one M/M Erotic novel and I loved it!! I guess I liked it b/c all you see are women this and women that!! I liked the M/M because it was a change of pace something different and man was it hot!!!
M/M makes me feel like a naughty little teenager sneaking around b/c it sounds so bad but it is sooo good!!
I have not had a chance to read your work obviosly since I've only read one but hopefully today will change that! Tons of love and glad you stopped by!
I loved your comment:
One cock good, two cocks therefore better. Male bodies are yummy.
I have to second that...
These books are just gorgeous. And congrats to James for all of the people buying them—gay, straight, male, female—Back Passage is constantly up high on the Amazon top erotic sellers. Often top 10!
*Waving hi to James*
And a big thank you to Kristina for the interview.
I just love gay stories because they have such an interesting dynamic that is different than other relationships. Of course, I like all types of stories and all types of formats.
I find it interesting that you use your "real" name in the same place as your naughty stuff. Have you ever had some fallback on that?
Interesting post exploring the appeal of m/m. It's true that m/m has found its way into erotic romance and it has a growing following.
Is it just me, or is it getting rather hot in here? I'll say one thing: women are much more likely to SAY how much they enjoy this sort of work. Men tend to pass it off as a joke, whereas female readers will tell me exactly what they like and why.
Ah, Olivia, I do like to 'cope' with big strapping men. And I do like two big strapping men 'coping' with each other.
And as for two big strapping werewolves...
Lol, Tilly. I'm not sure I could cope with a werewolf, personally, but a werepanther - mmm... But I'll have a double-helping of vicarious werewolves, thank you, to go with my vicarious homosexuality.
Jeremy's comment made me recognise another aspect that can be attractive about m-m. So many men have frustrated me so much over the years by behaving as though I'm a china doll who might break, by "not wanting to hurt" me, by being excessively tender and gentle when what's called for is a good, hard rogering... I mean, obviously emotion, tenderness, empathy, etc, are good things, but not all the bloody time, and not if it precludes hard, fast, and furious. M-m offers an escape from all those assumptions.
Hi James
So glad to see you here, we need more gay sex bloggers, hope you pop back and again.
Also delighted that Hot Valley is up there with The Back Passage - was number 1 and 2 on Amazon uk I noticed yesterday - well done!
Like you, I thought that all gay porn readers were going to be men, which is why I went for the "male" pseud, as I didn't think they'd want to be reading it written by GIRLS - but was thrilled to be proved so very wrong.
Tons of readers have slid in from slash fiction and are wanting more from their porn than the same old characters over and over again, so that's where a lot of women are from I think. Also, with our own sexuality being freed up, and it's All Right now to have sex whenever and with whoever we want, we are empowered to buy gay porn without worry - plus the anonymity of the internet, that we can buy gay porn books and gay porn films even!!! (i know a lot of women who have girls nights of gay porn) has helped.
It doesn't hurt that your books are sexy, well written, touches of great humour with marvellous characters. There's too much fantasy in the gay porn market in my opinion - I'm (personally - ymmv) sick to death with endless shape shifters and angels - I like real gritty men hot and sweaty, not perfect, hairy, realistic and getting down and dirty. I appreciate that some people still gravitate towards the yaoi market, but it's just too GIRLY for my tastes. I don't want chicks with dicks.
I too was surprised when I found that lesbians were reading and writing gay porn - that does surprise me, and I wonder why they find it hot?
It's so great seeing so many friends from MySpace on here! And to discover such a great forum of ideas and enjoyment. I don't get much of either in the home where "they" keep me, and even now I'm having to smuggle these messages out for someone else to post...
Love you all
alas i haven't read your work, James, but i will ;). i'm a big fan of gay erotica and gay porn. i also read lesbian fiction even though i'm a straight female; i think there is good het erotica out there; however, i've read a lot more of it, so for me, the glbt erotica is more enticing somehow. any literature that gives us a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the sexual realm of people is of interest to me. so much mainstream literature cuts to the fireplace when sex is brought up or tells stories that portray sex as some kind of deviant dysfunction. to me, the sexual habits and mores of people are the most fascinating and unknown aspects of their character; this is why i write and why i read sexually explicit fiction. i've read some best of gay erotica anthologies that haven't floated my boat enough because they weren't very explicit and i found them too sacharine and euphemistic. i'll have to check out your work! once again, kudos to the lust bite folk, who always seem to find interesting subjects and guests for their site.
Olivia, you'll like The Back Passage. It's fast and furious, though I think Leonard Eagle, rather than the muscled men, is more your type. He has a definite air of werepanther about him.
If any more messages can be smuggled out, I'd like to know if James has plans for any more Mitch and Morgan books. I'm imagining a whole series of them but then I am greedy.
Morgan, I should explain, is Mitch's sweet sidekick. He's described as being like Dr Watson but he had one great advantage - 'he was rapidly learning to take cock up his ass and down his throat'.
Erastes: I found out yesterday that some of the slash I wrote had a much large reader base than I even remotely thought. So, I have to agree with that statement. :)
What lovely naughtiness we have today! This makes me want to pull out my well-used collection of gay porn and waste away the day by just...ummm...doing research. Yeah, that's it.
Why do I adore m/m scenes? I love seeing a man in the throes of passion -- there are few things more beautiful in this world than an aroused man, one who has been dealt so much pleasure that he is beyond conscious thought, on the cusp of orgasm, every muscle tense, every cell of his body focused on that one true transcendetal experience...THAT is what gets me hotter than anything else. Hallelujah and Amen.
So if I can see TWO men in that beautiful state, what's not to love?
-happy sigh-
My mind is officially in dreamland for the rest of the day.
Welcome, Janmes, to Lust Bites. Congratulations on the Lamba nomination, too.
I admit, I haven't read any gay erotica, but will put your books on my list for quick purchase.
To answer Kristina's question, yes, there is another "Mitch Mitchell Mystery" in the pipeline, planned and ready to write. All I can tell you is that it's set largely on a train, in an hommage to Strangers on a Train, Murder on the Orient Express etc etc.
I feel so liberated when I read or watch m/m porn. I'm surprised at the intense rush it fills me with, just as much as f/f. M/f works for me in my fantasies, day dreams and in relationships, but on film m/f porn doesn't cut it for me because my imagination takes over and my mind is much more fun to watch. Oooo it would be a pleasure to win a copy of this novel after reading such amazing reviews.
Shit, I'm late to the party. But am I fashionably late?
Now that I'm here and have a glass of merlot in hand, I'm making a beeline for James Lear. See, I've been waiting since last week for you to get here. As I told Kristina, I'm all about smart sexy writerly gay men; so thank you much for appearing at Lust Bites today and talking with such warm and inviting candor about your books, your writing experience, and your take on why chicks dig your gay erotica. I think your take is right on, very astute.
I read a ton of gay fiction and gay erotica, have for years. I'm reading Will Davis's book right now, My Side of the Story. Read a lot of Dennis Cooper, Mark Doty, Tom Caffrey, Simon Shepherd, Bill Brent, Martin Hyatt, Paul Lisicky, Andrew Holleran, and you Mr. Lear, you! Once upon a time, I read J.T. Leroy too, but he broke my heart into a million pieces and then stepped on the pieces then spit.
When I was young, I started reading Harrold Robbins, and I read one book called Dreams Die First in which the male narrator was bisexual, and I experienced my first m/m sex scene in that book and got very turned on. Later, I watched two beautiful guys make out in the back seat of my friend's car and again, felt turned on. In fact, riveted.
Maybe like Nx said, I felt aroused by these scenes was because traditionally speaking gay sex is "forbidden," "bad," "unnatural,"and all sorts of dumb ignorant crap, yet my experiences prove otherwise: gay sex and/or gay love is as sexy and natural as any other. That's one reason I write gay erotica. One reason.
Another reason I write gay erotica is, like Olivia, I want to be a gay man; when I die and come back, I want to return as a stunningly handsome gay man who writes stunningly brilliant fiction and also chases Timothy J. Lambert around within an inch of his life.
Yeah, this could be cock envy. So what? Doesn't bother me. I prefer the idea we're much more ambiguous than we allow or admit anyway. Sexual ambiguity is hot!
I think it's a huge drag that straight guys for the most part resist at least the idea they might/could/should fantasize gay scenes once in a while. What's the big deal? I'd love it if a straight lover told me he wanted to watch a gay porn and get off or read an erotic book or story that involved a m/m scene. I've never heard a straight guy tell me that. Bi guys sure, but none who insisted they're straight.
On the flip side, do gay men ever get off on straight sex? Dunno. Lines get drawn on all sides, right?
Meanwhile, women remain more willing to admit to exploratory fantasies and to actual experimentation. Too bad. We have all the fun!
So James, thank you for writing fun, sexy, articulate books with yards and yards of cock, not to mention buckets full of come. :-) XXOOO Love you.
And Kristina, thanks for bring our guy to LB. XXOOOOXXX
Grrr...blogger doesn't like me today.
as I was saying
Thank you so much for visiting our blog today-the book covers are awesome!
Personally I love reading m/m fiction because I'm fascinated by all the different spectrum's of human sexual orientation. I don't think it's quite as simple as Adam and Eve male/female I think there's a lot going on in between.
Oh and it's deliciously forbidden and naughty :)
Damn, I'm late as well. But I have been working...
As I've said before, part of the attraction is of men behaving really badly. Yes, there's a place for the sweet little elves and gay princelings and shape-shifting weasels, but the other end of the spectrum are the ordinary men we meet every day, knowingly behaving in an outrageously sexy, seedy way for the sheer hell of it. For pleasure.
Agree, Nikki, with what you say about the voyeur aspect.
And if you're writing this stuff, there are things a romantic heroine can't get away with (and I don't just mean physically...) but a male protagonist can. And it can be tough and mean and dirty and sordid...
Or intensely romantic.
Incidentally, if you're going to begin a James Lear collection, don't forget to check out 'The Palace of Varieties' which is a very good book as well as being... er.... the other thing.
Glad Mr Lear was able to smuggle some of his ramblings out of the Home.
I've only read erotica with m/m scenes written by women authors and I'm curious to see how a male author would write them with his insider advantage. How much of an advantage is it?
Hi James,
Sorry I'm late to the party, been out doing castles today. That's looking at crumbling ruins, before anyone construes it as anything filthy.
Say, you know that reader mentioned, who scares men in the gay section of bookshops... That's me! Some of the looks I've had, boy, you wouldn't believe, but I do love upsetting the apple cart.
Lovely, to have you here, James. I'm looking forward to Hot Valley and your new Mitch book. Good luck for the Lambda nomination.
Janine, I wholeheartedly agree with the two cocks line... or three... or more.
Glad to have you here today James. Love reading anything with sex scenes in it, they so turn me on.
I've been reading and enjoying m/m erotica since college, when my best friend let me borrow some of his collection. (Ah,John Preston, you are sorely missed!)
At the time, part of my fascination grew from my discomfort with het erotica. I was at a point in my youthful feminism where most depictions of heterosexuality seemed exploitive of women, even if they'd been written by a woman for women. (Hey, I was young and angry and Andrea Dworkin had just spoken on campus...I got better!)
The gay men's stuff was much more comfortable for me because it was so clear in its power exchanges, so clear when it was playing with stereotypes and gender roles. If I got off on that sort of thing when a man and a woman were doing it, it seemed retrogressive. Two or more guys? I could convince myself it was a radical reshaping of sex and gender and thus okay. (It took a few years for me to admit I just got off on the stuff.)
More than twenty years later, my dear friend is long dead--and I still read gay erotica. Now I read it with a touch of perverted melancholy, trying to decide whether or not he'd have gotten off on it.
Alana, I didn't really mean gay porn being forbidden in that sense. ('traditionally speaking gay sex is "forbidden," "bad," "unnatural,"and all sorts of dumb ignorant crap').
I meant that because I'm a woman, it's something I don't usually feel priviledged to be a part of.
Ansley, sexy, seedy, sordid - those words push a lot of buttons for me. You don't get much of it in straight smut which is half the reason I write. (I can't remember what the other half is.)
I'm thrilled Mitch Mitchell will be reprised - thanks, Rupert! And thanks for visiting. Good luck with the Lambdas tonight!
Alana, isn't Best Gay Erotica - in which you have a story! - also up for an award?
Nx, yes, for me it's partly that illicit sense of eavesdropping when I read gay stuff, along with that unfiltered honesty Janine talked about. (Also because it's hot and full of cock, obviously.) For a long time, I was completely fascinated by urinals - not because of any high jinks that might go on there, just because men stand next to each (well, only if it's very busy) with their dicks out, pissing. It's amazing, and I love hearing about urinal etiquette. Ha, it's a whole world I am not privy to. (Sorry.)
Actually, I'm still fascinated by urinals. I may as well admit it.
I'm overwhelmed by the volume and quality of feedback! Thank you all so much. Now just buy the damn books...
Actually, one of my golden oldies, The Palace of Varieties, is going to be reissued by Cleis in the not too distant future, so please don't pay the silly prices they're asking on Amazon. The first one, The Low Road, languishes in the out-of-print pile, but if I think there's enough demand I might prepare a print-on-demand version through
Please do befriend me at to keep up to date with publishing news and my lurid sexual fantasies.
Hey James,
I'll definitely look you up at MySpace. Thanks for inviting all of us. :-)
Nx, I understand what you mean. :-)
Kx, yup, BGE 07 is up for a Lambada Award. Very cool, especially since Richard is such a warm and wonderful person. Thanks for noting.
OMG! This blog was one of the best I've read in a long time. Loved it! Thanks for some of the giggles it gave me. I wish I knew why women (me in particular) liked to read M/M. It's odd b/c I don't care to watch the movies (like Brokeback Mountain for example), but the books I've read have been great.
*waving* me, me, me!!!!
I don't know how old this blog is, and I haven't read this particular author yet. I simply typed a question into Google because I wanted to know what was "wrong" with me. I'm a straight female who LOVES gay erotica and gay porn. Just thank you so very much for taking the wrong out of my interest!
There is something about the man's penis that captures me like a snake trying to bust out of a pair of pants like a bull and standing there all hard like a puppy that peed on the rug that make my body weak inside and when there are two dicks and they feel the passion for one another I get real wet especially when they aren't afraid to let me watch all the creamy filled detail of their rubbing and sucking and cumming.
I'm a heterosexual girl and I love male/male sex, watching it and reading it. I love to connect with other women who enjoy it too, my email is
I'd love to hear from some other ladies.
This is a very nice post. Show' was about a woman who spies on gay men having sex. She would love your books,
I like well this hot or enjoy full site. I am happy see this post really very good. I think exactly what was missing in Agatha Christie was yards of cock - thanks for sorting that out!
I read in this article so impressive. I like in your post. Thank share this interesting site.
Thanks to the author he has done a nice job here with stones to attract anyone….!!
The Palace of Varieties, is going to be reissued by Cleis in the not too distant future, so please don't pay the silly prices they're asking on Amazon. The first one, The Low Road, languishes in the out-of-print pile, but if I think there's enough demand I might prepare a print-on-demand version through
As a gay man (Kinsey 6)I am curious about this phenomenon of straight and gay women enjoying gay male porn. It pleasantly surprises me. I find it affirming and I am pleased that what I thought was a real taboo to heterosexual women is something that they can actually enjoy. As a gay man, I prefer that woem are excited about gay male porn insated of considering it and and gay male as distasteful and even disgusting. Just got myself some of the books by Erastes to see what they are like.
This blog was a joy to read. I've been almost exclusively into gay porn and gay porn offshoots (i.e., solo shows and just plain pictures of hot naked guys) since I was a blossoming girl of eight (although I didn't hit the world of streaming videos of hot guy on guy action until I was the more appropriate age of sixteen), and I used to feel totally alone. None of my female friends were into it and I didn't dare tell my boyfriends. The one time my parents discovered it (damned Windows Media Player history), my father read the titles to me one at a time while my mother looked at me tearfully with her arms crossed, shaking her head and asking "why?" over and over. I felt like a filthy freak with a tweaked and warped sexuality, that liking gay porn made me a deviant. I'm so happy to discover that I am not. I am very happy to see that there are many women like me who enjoy gay porn for the exact reasons I do. Left for dead in the strait male dominated realm of strait porn, we wander aimlessly in search of a person that we can identify with in the bizarre parade of categories listed on their porn sites. I found nothing arousing about being pummled by eight pot bellied, flabby men or disgustoid late middle aged or old guys undressing and violating skinny blonde girls in schoolgirl outfits and pigtails. I did not like the grimaces of pain splattered across the faces of the first time anal sex girls, nor the bored faraway looks and forced yelps of the finger cuffs women with another woman's face buried in her crotch while a faceless hot guy with a huge cock pounds away at the other end. Yawn. Enter (a former favorite because of easy access - I prefer hunks to twinks), or or the gay section of XTube and there is a whole world of hot, writhing, naked guys whose faces and expressions you are allowed to see in full glory. It's an endless barrage of scene after scene featuring porn actors that I feel privelaged to see naked, whose cleanliness and attention to every detail of their appearance is both admirable and amazing. And with each sex scene there is an unmistakable feeling of joy and enthusiasm for all parties involved that just isn't there in strait porn. The actors are having wonderful fun, and its truely a pleasure to behold.
Very nice article. Keep up the good work ;)
Glad to have you here today James. Love reading anything with sex scenes in it, they so turn me on.
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