You may remember Round Robin. No, not the chubby kid at the back of the class, but the storytelling game. You sat in a circle, maybe round a campfire if you were lucky, and took it in turns to pick up the thread of a tale. You hoped that the person to your left wouldn’t kill off too many characters or banjax the plot before it got to your turn, and then it was over, your clever twist racing off into another nine-year old’s febrile imagination.
Time to relive the excitement! Although with a more erotic slant, and lucky me, I get to kick it all off. Cue inspirational image and the opening paragraph...

‘You want me to do what!’
Ray blinks at me over the rim of his sunglasses, as if it’s my reaction that warrants surprise and not his request. ‘It was just an idea, but if you don’t want to.’
‘I never said that. I’m just a little bit shocked, that’s all.’
Now it’s your turn. To play simply write the next paragraph and post it in the comments, leaving things open for the next contributor to add to the story. You can play as many times as you like, but no writing the follow-up to your own post.
Do you think we'll have something saleable by the end of the day?
'I know that you like Paul.'
I can feel myself flushing. Not just my face, but every inch of my skin, right down into my panties. I squirm and re-cross my legs. 'Well, yes ... I do.'
'Really like him , I mean.' I must be imagining that the sunlight glint on Ray's glasses is one of wicked delight.
'Yeah.' My mouth is dry. Other places are not.
'Are you ready for it?' Ray slips his cellphone from his pocket. 'Say the word. He's waiting.'
I feel like a coward for stalling.
'We're talking about "Paul", as in your best friend Paul, right?'
'No,' says Ray with his distinctive brand of sarcasm, sort of sharp with soft edges. 'We're talking about my little sister's teddy bear "Paul". Come on, Denise—Paul.'
I'm dripping now, but still I'm paralyzed. 'Is that a new cell phone?' I ask.
"Nuh huh, no changing the subject now. Peel yourself off that seat and get in there now." Ray commanded.
I whimpered, getting wetter as he played to another of my fantasies, feeling my nipples harden and press through my T-shirt. I certainly wasn't imagining the smirk as Ray saw them, nor the way it spread to a smile as I shifted forwards in my seat starting to rise.
“All right,” I say, staring at the ground rather than Ray, so I’m surprised when he puts the phone into my hand.
“You’re the one who has to make the call,” he says.
I dial quickly, not thinking, not realizing what I’ve done until Ray tilts my chin up to look at him.
“By heart, baby? Why do you know Paul’s number by heart?”
Shit. No matter how careful you are, how assiduously you sweep the traces away, one little detail will always come sneaking out to betray you. I'd deleted every text he sent me as it arrived, resisting the temptation to linger over them later. I'd cleared out my inbox after every message. I'd even, in my paranoid fear of discovery, kept his number off my phone - so the tingling thrill of all our dirtiest desires was always punctuated with those eleven digits, punched into the phone with a trembling thumb and catching breath. I knew to the last panting detail what Paul would do to me - given the chance.
Ray reads it all in my eyes.
'Bad girl,' he breathes, touching my throat with his fingertips. 'You bad, bad girl. Now you really have no choice. Ring him.'
I punch the green dial button.
He answers instantly, before I can phrase anything in my head.
"Paul," I croak, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Hello there." His voice is sexy and slow. I wait, but he volunteers nothing. Ray smirks as my eyes widen in dismay.
"What're you up to?" I'm supposed to be phoning this man for sex and all I can think of to say is small talk.
"This and that..." I can hear amusement in his deliberately unhelpful reply.
"So - uh - where are you?" He's silent for so long that I wonder if he's lost reception. Phone sex and arranging rendez-vous always lose something of their sparkle when it's all interspersed with "Can you still hear me? Hello? Sorry - let me try standing outside... No, you're still breaking up..."
"Paul?" I say again, louder. "Can you hear me."
"Loud and clear." The voice comes from behind me. I jump in fright and spin around.
And there’s my Paul, with his dark hair and cold blue eyes. He’s watching me the way he always watches me. I see flashes from our past. Paul stroking my face when I suck him, his breathing speeding up right at that crucial moment. I think of the places we've fucked: that deserted service elevator at his work, the boat that one weekend when Ray thought I'd gone off on holiday with my girlfriends.
Has he told all of that to Ray?
Whose idea was this anyway?
I sway back as a stronger pulse of lust weakens my knees at the sight of Paul and just not knowing where this was going. Ray has stepped up behind me and I find myself resting against his chest, which comforts me for a moment, until his hand slips down my side, under my skirt and presses my panties tight against my mound. It is instantly soaking wet and as he shifts I know he's felt just how wet I am. I moan as he flips my skirt up.
Paul's standing with his head slightly to one side, staring at my knickers. He's seen me like this before - he's pressed his face to the soft cotton, he's ripped them down my legs in urgent, furtive haste, he's seen them pushed to one side with his finger thrusting in me. Despite it all, I'm mortified. My face flushes as I try to push my skirt down, cover myself.
"Uh-uh," says Ray, grabbing my hands behind me. "Don't be shy - let him look."
Let him look? He's seen it all before. They both have. But this time--this time they are seeing it together. And I'm caught between them. Trapped in my own net.
The shame rises up but right on its heels comes the turn on. The swell of arousal at doing something wrong. And being caught.
I should be crying. Instead, I shift and squirm and wait. Who will touch me first?
It really doesn't matter.
Ray says, over my head, “Where do you want her?”
I can hear the smile in Paul’s voice without looking into his face.
And I think back to the first day I met him, coming out of Ray’s apartment, back when the two were still roommates. He was leaving, and he held the door for me, watched me walk up the stairs. I could feel his eyes on me, and I waited until the last possible moment to look back. To see him looking.
What was I thinking, getting involved with best friends?
Had I known back then that I would do this? Complicate my life once more in a triangle?
I like to think not. I like to think that I’m a better person than that. But while Ray has pleased me in so many ways, it’s Paul who satisfies the darker side of my soul.
It's Ray, raising his hand from my flipped up skirt to slip it under my tee and find my pebble-hard nipple. He twists, not too hard, not to soft, just right, baby.
'Ohhhh...' For the first time I'm beginning to dig this scene. I press my shoulder blades back against his chest. My breasts jut, one covered by his hand, the other still free. But not for long. Paul closes his hand over it, almost covering it with his fingers. He thumbs the nipple nochanlently, as if he does this every day. I'm trapped between them, each with a hand to one of my breasts. I could stay like this forever, but they have other ideas.
Ray says, “Close your eyes,” and I do, automatically, although usually it’s Paul who gives me commands.
I feel something soft slip over my shut lids. A blindfold. Velvety. I open my eyes to test and no, I can see nothing but the dark fabric.
Now, I feel lips on my neck, breath on my skin. Hands moving over me. Gently at first. Seductively.
“She’s so pretty like that,” I hear, and I stiffen.
It wasn’t Paul who spoke. And it wasn’t Ray, either.
The voice was
...female. Familiar but I can't quite place it. My world has gone dark.
"Such a pretty little picture," the voice coos. Soft, warm lips are pressed to the inside of my wrist. "There is entirely too much testosterone in this room," the teasing voice continues.
Now two more hands are on me.
I move my head and the blindfold shifts enough that I can see through the bottom of it. I look down the length of my body to find Paul's girlfriend Annie running her hands up my thighs. She looks up and sees me watching her.
"Naughty naughty." She says and climbs up beside me to replace the blindfold. "Girls who peek must be punished."
'Christ,' I mutter. I'm not thrilled that Lisa's in on this as well. Paul had sworn me to secrecy but apparantly hadn't demanded the same of himself. 'It's not fair -' I began but a chorus of laughter cut me off.
'Oh!' I was pushed forward, fell over a knee, Paul's knee, of course.
I struggled instinctively but it was pointless. He grasped one wrist and Lisa grabbed the other, delivering it to him so he could clasp both with one hand. It must've been her hands that pushed my skirt up, again, and tucked it daintily into the waistband, baring my bum except for my panties.
'Ray?' Goddam it if I lose him because of these two perverts I'll never forgive any of them. I may never forgive them, anyway, for keeping me in the dark, in more ways than one, in all ways -
Paul's hand comes down, hard, on my almost-bare ass. 'Call him Master Ray.'
'Annie Lisa!' I cry, appealing to her for help.
'Mistress Annie Lisa,' she says.
'I'm too tense!
'Past or present?' Annie Lisa's mocking me openly.
I open my mouth to give a sarky reply but just as the first syllable is about to burst from my lips I catch myself.
Paul knows that I sometimes like being gagged, but the game has evolved to the point where he will only do it if I "ask for it" - usually by being cheeky.
Ray may or may not know about Paul, I'm still not sure, but since Annie Lisa is here I'm pretty sure he does. Ray certainly has never seen me as a submissive plaything, but he's about to now: in this situation I daren't lose my voice, I need some way to communicate out just in case.
Meekly I say "Sorry Mistress Annie Lisa, Master Paul, Master Ray."
"Count, slut!" comes the command from Annie Lisa as a male hand lands on my tightly stretched buttocks. "One thank you Masters, Mistress. Two thank you Masters, Mistress," I quickly say, then wait patiently to see what is in store next, mouth hanging slightly open in shock.
Just then my opened mouth is filled with Paul's cock, and Annie Lisa tell's me "suck it, slut!" I know you have had him in your mouth before!
And I do it, but all I can think is where is Ray? Is he still here among these vultures?
I feel a thick finger slid into my soaking wet slit. And the knuckle hits my clit in that special way only Ray can do. I sigh against Paul's cock in my mouth. Actually feeling better that he is approving of the turn this situation has taken.
A warm hand slides under the tightly stretched silk of my panties. I moan even though my mouth is filled with Paul's cock. My skin is sensitive from the slaps and I can feel every hard callous on Ray's fingertips. He squeezes my ass until I whimper.
"I never knew you liked it like this; rough and hard, baby. Why didn't you tell me before?"
My mind was reeling, how could I answer that knowing I got that from Paul. I started to feel guilt wash over me, but the pleasure of Ray's fingers was starting to make me come.
It's not easy, sucking Paul off while he spanks my ass. I'm amazed he trusts me not to nip him when his hand lands hard across my flaming ass cheeks again, and again...
Ray buries two fingers deep inside me. He must be kneeling in front of Paul, to manage it without getting his hand in Paul's way. God, only Ray knows how to finger-fuck me just the way I like it.
Annie Lisa's nails scrape my scalp as she grabs a fistful of my hair. She guides my head, as if I don't know how to suck off her man.
'Mmmm!' I'm trying to tell them I'm going to come but then I AM coming, writhing, half-across Paul's knee, his cock in serious danger, now, as I groan and flail, bucking against Ray's fingers to take them deeper.
Coming like this, without enough air, makes me crazy. I think I might die, suffocated by a cock, surrounded by friends and lovers, no-one noticing that I'm fucking dying here...
But what a way to go.
One night, Paul had put his hands around my throat as he fucked me. No pressure, no violence, just a reminder of his strength and power, a hint of danger that might have been fake, but felt real looking into those cold eyes, feeling those large hands where they could just squeeze and wring out my life.
I'd never come so hard as I had then.
Not until now.
I'm still exploding like a star gone supernova when the players around me change places. Annie Lisa holds my head up, pulling me off Paul's cock for a second.
And Ray slips in next to him.
Two cocks stretch my mouth. Two cocks that seem comfortable in such close proximity.
And Annie Lisa...
bends down to lick my sweet juices from my clit that is still pulsating from coming moments earlier
The shock sends me surging forward on the two cocks. My cry is hopelessly muffled. Hands - one Ray's, one Paul's - grab my head and hold me cruelly tight as they make use of my mouth, their hard slippery cocks sliding and rubbing over each other, taking it in turns to invade my throat.
Then Annie Lisa, sitting on the ground between my legs, makes her thumb slick with my hot juices and then slides it in my ass. I feel a hot probing tongue entering my cunt and I realize I am being fucked in each orifice, probing my mouth, my ass and my cunt and as began to climb back up that wall of ecstacy I briefly thought, please...
But please what? I finally had everything I had always wanted, didn't I? I had every hole stretched open and was being fucked like the slut I had always wanted to be.
Isn't this where I had always wanted to end up? Being pounded by three people at once. Isn't this where my fantasies took me when I was alone? And this was so much better than my thought of it ever could be.
I just wished that instead of Annie Lisa's fingers in my ass and my cunt it was the dicks that were in my mouth stretching those holes.
And as if reading my mind...
Annie Lisa looked up and said, 'I know what you're thinking slut. You want Paul inside you, don't you, but that's not enough is it, you're a hungry bitch and you want it all, with Ray inside you too. Is that it Denise? Do you want that?' She slid in a few more fingers to manipulate my G-spot and watch me squirm.
All I could do was muffle a makeshift Mmm Hmm and feel my insides ripple.
Annie Lisa laughed. 'Tough luck. It's my turn Denise, and you get to watch while both of your lovers become my lovers, while both of them in their own unique ways fuck me like they fuck you.'
I jerk on her fingers, not only because of what they're doing inside me, but at the thought of watching Ray and Paul fuck her. Voyeurism had never been my thing before, but suddenly I very much wanted to see them fuck her 'til she screamed.
Before I knew what was happening my mouth, cunt and ass were empty and I was being carried, still blindfold. I ended up being laid on a cold table, front down, nipples, belly, clit, thighs and arms pressing against the glass of our coffee table. I was quickly tied, then my head tipped up so my throat and chin were on the glass before the blindfold was removed and I could see the three of them naked before me. With a wicked grin Annie Lisa shoved her wet knickers in my mouth and used the blindfold to tie it in.
"Enjoy what you see bitch," she snarled, "as I take your man and my man back from you." Then she turned with a sway of her hips and reached her arms out, low, hands reaching for their stiff cocks.
I watched enviously as they fed those cocks into her mouth and her cunt. I wanted them, I wanted them both together just like I'd had them separately in the past. But now all I could do was watch as Annie Lisa got what should be mine.
Sure, I felt a little jealous. It wasn't just because she was getting what I had always thought of as mine, but Ray was fucking her doggy style and looking over at me. He was watching me, waiting to see my reaction. His eyes were glued to mine with every thrust and my cunt began to pulsate.
The glass table below me had begun to warm up to my body temperature and I ground my pussy onto the hard surface, trying to find some relief.
I tore my eyes away for just a moment to look at Paul and saw that he was looking at me too, they all were.
When had this all come together? I wondered desperately as Annie Lisa moaned around Paul's thick cock.
I saw movement in my lower vision and I watched hungrily as her fingers pinched and rolled her clit. Her beautiful tits swayed below her and I was overcome with the urge to lie underneath her and suck her nipples until they were hard enough to cut the glass table top beneath me.
I squirmed some more as my eyes drifted back to Ray, who continued to pummel that snarky bitch. She was in my place, fucking MY men - and I did think of Paul as mine. She wasn't with him when we began our affair.
I saw red. I was enraged. Pulling at my bonds, I forgot about the game we were playing, and instead wanted to start a new one.
With more strength then I knew I possessed, I pulled my arms free of my restraints. All three of them stopped mid-fucking, and watched with unabated curiosity as I untied my legs.
I saved pulling out Annie Lisa's soaked panties for last. I noticed a glimmer of fear in her eyes as I stood before them.
"Put me in coach. It's a whole new game, and I'm ready to play."
Group sex makes me more stimulated and more active.
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