Inspired by Madelynne's super sexy post from Dark Designs, it occurred to me that I'd got a hot boy on boy scene in my latest release, the reprinted GOTHIC BLUE... So after a quick skim through it, I found this intense encounter between the mysterious and powerful Count André Von Kastel, and Jonathan, the rather confused boyfriend of the heroine, Belinda. While Belinda is out in the garden, up to heaven knows what with Japanese beauty Michiko, Jonathan finds himself alone with the seductive Count... and at his mercy.
Now read on...
‘The idea of Belinda with another woman is new to you, is it not?’ the Count continued, ‘And puzzling... You wonder why you do not feel more jealous.’
‘I... I’m not sure what I...’ Jonathan faltered, swirling his glass then lifting it to his lips, trying desperately to analyse his feelings. About Belinda. About Michiko. About all the strange revelations... About the man with whom he was sitting and drinking. The man who suddenly seemed far closer than he had a moment ago. So close that their thighs were almost touching. So close that he could see the toned shape of the musculature beneath AndrĂ©’s tight, faded denims... and the size of the firm bulge at his crotch.
With brandy in his mouth, Jonathan spluttered furiously and felt himself choke and start to cough, his face turning a bright, blushing red. Eyes watering, chest heaving, he felt his brandy glass removed deftly from his hand, and the impact of a solid, well-placed thump against his back. He coughed again, gratefully this time, and suddenly found he could breathe deeply and evenly.
‘I’m sorry,’ he muttered, wiping his bleary eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. ‘Maybe I’ve had too much to drink.’
‘Perhaps you have not yet had enough?’ countered AndrĂ©, and Jonathan felt the hand that had struck him stroke his back.
The caress was so light and innocuous it was almost illusory, but coming after the realisation of a moment ago, it made Jonathan start to shake and blush again.
‘Here, but drink slowly this time.’ AndrĂ© held out the refilled brandy glass, ‘Sip by sip.’
When Jonathan took hold of the fat, rounded glass, he was alarmed to feel AndrĂ©’s hand curve around his, lifting the drink to his mouth. The Count’s skin was extraordinarily cool, yet its very coldness was exotic and exciting, and sent a thrill through Jonathan’s shocked body.
I can’t be feeling this! thought Jonathan helplessly, feeling it anyway. He’s two hundred years old... I don’t know him... Dear God in heaven, he’s a man! He’s a man!
‘Sip,’ AndrĂ© urged again, his free hand returning to Jonathan’s burning back.
Jonathan sipped. Far faster than was wise, but he was desperate for some kind of anaesthesia. He was experiencing something he had never felt before. Never in his wildest dreams or darkest nightmares expected to feel, and the worst part was that it was ravishingly delicious. The brandy seemed to be having no effect on him whatsoever, but as he was allowed to take a breath, AndrĂ©’s cologne made his head whirl. It was the smell of roses, and a sharp visceral musk.
‘Think of Belinda and Michiko,’ whispered the Count in his ear, ‘Imagine them together.’ That long cool hand was still on his back, moving a little, rubbing him through the cotton of his shirt, ‘How does that make you feel?’
‘I don’t know!’ cried Jonathan, horrified by the strange sound of his own voice. Its shrillness... Its girlishness...
‘Does the idea of same-sex love repel you?’ AndrĂ©’s voice was deep now, very masculine and cajoling. ‘Surely not...’ The final two words were not a question, but an observation - and not one about Belinda and Michiko.
I’m being seduced, thought Jonathan. Just as Belinda was, here on this couch. And for all her single mindedness and all her steadfast resistance of any kind of exploitation, she succumbed to this man within moments of meeting him.
‘Jonathan?’ prompted AndrĂ© gently, his hand still now, and so chilling through Jonathan’s lightweight shirt.
‘I don’t know,’ repeated Jonathan, feeling all broken apart, but somehow strangely resigned. He looked up, staring into the middle distance, intensely aware of the alluring figure beside him, yet knowing it was he, himself, who had the choice.
‘Look! Get it over with, if you’re going to,’ he said suddenly, unable to cope with the growing tension any more. If AndrĂ© made a move, and it was thoroughly repellent, well, at least he would know. He would know, and he could leap up and flee the room as fast as his feet would carry him. And if it wasn’t? He couldn’t know until the moment.
‘It is your choice,’ said AndrĂ© quietly, as if he had viewed the brief debate in Jonathan’s mind. Maybe he had?
Jonathan turned his face, and found his lips just inches from his companion’s. He could smell the brandied sweetness of AndrĂ©’s breath and almost drown in the aquamarine pools of his eyes.
He’s so beautiful, thought Jonathan. He attracts me. I want him. But my body doesn’t quite know how I want him... He shuddered, filled with thoughts and fears of buggery. ‘I don’t know what to do,’ he said, his voice extraordinarily small.
‘Do not worry,’ said AndrĂ©, reaching up and undoing the thong that tied his striated locks back, ‘I know everything we need to know.’
Jonathan bit his lip to restrain a gasp, a sigh. AndrĂ©’s hair was soft, thick, and shiny despite its peculiar coloration. Jonathan felt a strong urge to bury his hands in it.
‘Go ahead, do it,’ urged AndrĂ©.
His breathing shallow, his heart racing, Jonathan put up his hands and slid them up through AndrĂ©’s silky tresses until he was cradling the other man’s head. He watched AndrĂ©’s lips part, almost in ecstasy, revealing the soft rosy interior of his mouth. Without thinking, Jonathan lunged forward and kissed him.
It’s just like kissing a woman, he thought, feeling AndrĂ©’s strong, slender arms come around him. The sensations were the same: velvety lips under his, parting provocatively and admitting his tongue. He was so used to kissing like a man - probing strongly and taking the initiative - that he continued to do so, while AndrĂ© seemed perfectly happy to let him, relaxing back on to the settee and drawing him down.
‘Mmmm...’ murmured the Count as they broke apart for a moment, and he reached up to touch Jonathan’s chin. ‘Not so bad, is it?’ He smiled, and then took Jonathan’s hand, from where it still held his head, turning his face so he could moistly kiss its palm.
‘No... no, it isn’t,’ stammered Jonathan, disconcerted as AndrĂ© surged up against him, kissed him again, and at the same time began unfastening his shirt buttons. Before he knew it, the garment was open to the waist, and the loose tails pulled out, then AndrĂ© was shimmying along beneath him and sucking at his nipple. He felt the Count’s teeth close wickedly and he groaned.
Jonathan had always had sensitive nipples and loved to have them played with and nibbled. For a moment, he thought of Belinda, and how beautifully she did this for him, but the next instant he was dragged back to reality, his body excited by the extra layer of piquancy that having a man’s mouth on him created.
Gothic Blue is available from and
And you can find more frisky extracts [although not m/m] here and here.
nb. Mansnogs courtesy of The Velocity of Vincent
And now... a SEX IN PUBLIC service announcement!

Just to remind American readers that...
WICKED WORDS: SEX... IN PUBLIC is now available!
To celebrate the US publication of this selection of exhibitionist frolics we're giving away a copy of SIP... and I'm topping that off with a copy of GOTHIC BLUE too! To be eligible for this splendiferous two-book mini-prize, just leave a comment about this post... whether about SIP *or* GOTHIC BLUE... and in a couple of week's time, we'll randomly draw one name from the list of commenters and announce the winner here so they can contact us for their prize.
For more fascinating facts about SEX... IN PUBLIC check out this archived post, and to buy the book, either whiz over to
I thank you for your kind attention... :)
WendyPortia aka Portia Da Costa
Dowager Duchess and Mad Old Woman of Black Lace
Visit my Weblog :: Visit my Website :: Read Saucy Extracts
Oooh what a lovely bit of mansnogging to start the day!
Hot excerpt, Wendy. That Count is sinister and delicious. And the pictures are pretty good too...
Congrats on the reprint, Wendy!
The cover is lovely, and the excerpt is just what I needed before heading off to bed... something super sexy to spiral through my mind as I (try) to fall asleep.
m/m with long hair... hooray!
Glad you like it, guys!
Do you think I should put more long hair and m/m in my books? ;)
What do the readers think?
There's a longhaired bloke coming up in Suite Seventeen, but he doesn't bonk any guys... well, not on the page.
Yum yum yum.
I can't wait to read my first book of yours, Wendy--The Tutor should arrive on my doorstep soon. :)
More longhaired blokes sounds pretty darn good to me!
Rippling black locks... (Well, I'm imagining them black!) Delicious! I've been wanting Gothic Blue for a while, so as I'm not allowed to enter the competition, I'll just have to follow your helpful links to Amazon, I guess. YIPPEE!
Oh, Wendy, I'm valiantly resisting the urge to read your extract, as I've just started on Gothic Blue and I don't want to spoil it by reading out of sequence.
I lurve men with long flowing locks, even when they're not bonking each other :-D
Hi Wendy, it's funny how the internet can change a person and their views.
Before finding all of you authors on the net I would never have even looked at a book that had m/m just because I didn't think I would enjoy reading about it. But I find that NOW exactly the opposite has happened. I'm not sure if it is because you can feel such a great bond with author's of your favorite books and communicate with them candidly and therefore grow attached or if it is because there is so much support between authors and readers that you grow in your views and open your mind more.
All I know is that since finding authors on the net and reading ebooks my mind is like a sponge and soaks up all kinds of genres and same sex love stories.
Now when I here my friends who haven't experienced authors on the internet or reading Erotic Romance, I realise what a small universe I use to live in and Thank goodness for authors such as yourself or I might be bored more often and I have NO time for that now. Life is much too exciting to be bored. LOL!
I do have most of your books Portia/Wendy but not this one so I have it on my Wish List as I do Sex In Public. I did really enjoy the Sex with Shopping - Saskia is another author I love to read. You might recognise my name from Sasha as well. Alison Tyler doesn't realise she has a groupie here as well. LOL!!!
Unfortunately my wish list is way longer than my wallet has money for all these books but I will get them in time.
Mmmm, I love it!
What time period is the book set in? Is it contemporary? I wasn't sure from the excerpt.
Hope you enjoy The Tutor, May. It's one of my v. early Black Laces, the second one... People have said some very nice things about it, and a lot of folk like it because the heroine is slightly on the rounded side, and not some impossibly beautiful and thin stereotype. She's a chubby librarian, like I used to be. I'm not a librarian any more, but that's the only thing that's changed! LOL
Hi Olivia
Count Andre's hair is sort of highlighted brown, I think... but feel free to imagine him however you like! Even with a mullet! Tee hee!
In S17 Valentino's hair is very much in the rippling black locks stylee... Like sheets of black silk, I think I describe it. Mmmm... gets me going just describing it!
Mmmm, Madelynne... the excerpt is pretty well into the book... you're going to have to be strong!
Riffling through my book heroes, I think that Andre and Valentino are the only ones with long hair... I shall have to do more long-locked lads... I mean *write* more long locked lads!!!!
Yes, Debbie, there is so much fabulous erotica and erotic romance out there, and ebooks offer a whole new cornucopia of choice! I've only had one ebook published so far, but I'd love to do more...
Anyway, I'm thrilled that you've been enjoying my books! I also love Saskia's writing and Alison's and Sasha's too... and *all* the fabulous authors on this blog. I don't know what the collective noun for a group of erotica writers is, but this is one helluva collection of talented women I'm amongst...
Hi Dayle
The main action of Gothic Blue is contemporary, but there's a prologue that takes place around 200 years ago... Sedgewick Priory is a mysterious sort of place, kind of 'out of time' somehow, if that makes sense?
I loved the excerpt. Thank you.
Pass the tissues...
The link is going to my blog almost as I type.
It's a great sexy excerpt, Wendy and I too love men with long hair...yum. I have a Regency hero called Valentin with long dark hair coming up in my first Kensington novel! Love that name and all its variants.
Hot stuff Portia! And I believe I recognize a certain long haired fellow...yum yum VDO!! I still have to wait for GB to be available at which makes me kinda grumpy - I too would love to enter some of the lb contests and win books by lb writers but of course, it just isn't right, we have to give the books to readers...I guess. But it's on my wish list too. Congrats on the reprint. I know from living with Felix Baron that it's ever so marveous to have a book work involved, just royalties. Thanks for the Wed. pick me up - just what I needed!
Glad you enjoyed the excerpt, Nicole... Did you check out the other ones?
Mmmm.... thought the 'illustrations' would appeal to you, Val! I've never got over my first exposure to The Velocity of Gary! 'He's snogging him! And there's tongues! Vincent is French Kissing a man!!!!'
Ooh, Kate, I'll definitely have to get that book when it comes out! I bet it's a sizzler... yum yum...
Hi Madeline... Yes, it's our guy! Have you seen that film? Not the greatest movie ever, but VDO is so sexy in it... and the kissing, oh the kissing...
And yeah, I hear you on reprints! Pretty new covers, not a stroke of work involved... :)
It's 11.30pm in the UK now, and time to lay my weary bones down for some kip... but I'll be back in the morning to check in!
That and the other excerpt were absolute magic! I look forward to reading more soon!
As for the beautiful long-haired men....Oh yes! No matter what they're doing, there is nothing sexier to me.
Thank you for the hot read!
Hummina...that was one sexy excerpt! Do tell, is there full on manlove in the book? If so I might have to dig out the credit card and get it so I can read the rest lol!
Very hot, and the pics were an added bonus.
Thanks, Elyse! So glad you enjoyed the excerpts and the long haired man... Hope you'll enjoy Valentino, my long haired man in Suite Seventeen. I think he's gorgeous...
Well, Fae, I have to be honest and say there's only the one m/m scene in Gothic Blue... an extension of the kiss described in the excerpt. It's not a long scene, really, as the book is pretty much about the different flavours of m/f lovemaking... the boy on boy interlude is just a naughty variation. :)
Maybe I should write more m/m? It's certainly becoming more and more popular, and I've always liked writing m/m scenes, and included them in many of my books.
Welcome to the e-book industry. I know you have done well in print. I always love reading your excerpts. This one sounds HOT. Thanks for sharing!
That is one smokin' hot cover and excerpt! Whew!
Hi Tawny! Glad you like the excerpt... and the cover. It think BL are doing a fantastic job with all the new covers, and esp. the dramatic paranormal ones!
Hi Kissa, and thanks for the kind words... My first ebook was called LESSONS AND LOVERS, pubbed by Ellora's Cave... but... I'm hoping that there'll be another coming along soon, with a different house. It's not official yet, but keep your fingers crossed! ;)
Congratulations on the releases! Hot stuff! Looks like you've been busy! The only way to be.
Wow I never read excerpts, but that was just HOT. Looks phenominal!
Oh Diana, I wish I was busy... I'm the laziest, most procrastinating writer in the world... Gothic Blue is a reprinted title, but I am toying with the idea of writing a sort of sequel or book that's linked to it.
And wow back at ya, Miranda! I'm honoured that you've read my excerpt when you don't normally read them... and I'm absolutely thrilled you enjoyed it so much! :)
You certainly write for the thinking reader -- not showing/telling too much, letting the reader visualize. I'm studying your writing as I shape my own. Thank you, Mentor.
Hi Poppy
That's very interesting... I've often wondered if my writing is too introspective, not enough description of the world around the characters. But my natural tendency is to concentrate on the thoughts and emotions of my characters in specific situations, rather than the externals. It seems to work for my fans, but I'm sure there are readers out there who feel I should describe much more, in order to give a sense of place to my stories.
Thanks for you comment, it's made *me* think! :)
Oooh, I suddenly feel extremely smug that my fella has long hair :) Don't think he's a Count though! Hot action though Wendy, loved it! Can't wait to read more, in fact, I'm off to your website to have a look!! x
The books sound great and loved the exerpt! Congrats on the release.
So glad you liked the excerpt, Lucy! You never know, your bloke might have noble blood in his veins... you'll have to research his family tree! LOL
And you need to check out Portia's Promos... ;)
Thanks for your kind words, Tetawa! Glad you enjoyed the naughty extract... :)
Yum. Just Yum.
Many thanks, Terri! Glad it was to your taste... oops, sorry about the pun! :)
Your books sound great! Great excerpts!
Thanks, Amy! I'm so happy you enjoyed the frisky excerpts... :)
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