In honour of World Book Day (yes, that's today), the girls and I here at Lust Bites thought we'd celebrate by sharing a few of the top erotic picks from our bookshelves. We're a diverse bunch, with widely differing tastes, and I think the list below reflects that. So, here without further ado, in no particular order are the books that we admire, aspire to, and take to bed.1. Macho Sluts by Pat Califa.
This book was a favourite with at least three of our members.
Mathilde says: 'Macho Sluts is unbelievably good and my copy is well-worn and much loved. All kinds of whizzy things going on with gender in that book. Seriously ground breaking at the time it was published.'2. Toward the End of Time by John Updike.
Nikki says: 'The central character is married but has this strange sort of affair with what could be a woman or could be a roe deer! Slightly futuristic, and very earthy at the same time.'3. Ishtar Rising by Robert Anton Wilson.
Janine says: 'A slightly bonkers book about why women's breasts are really really great and how we should all love them. By one of the world's more famous pagan anarchists.'4. Mr Benson by John Preston.
Mathilde says: 'My all time personal favourite book. The story of a cute little twink, Jamie, who goes looking for a Master and finds more than a master, he finds: Mr Benson! I want to be Mr Benson when I grow up. (And by 'grow up' here, I mean grow a penis.)5. Lord Wraxall's Fancy by Anna Lieff Saxby.
Kristina says: 'The man you love to hate.'
Madelynne says: 'The man you hate to love.'6. Beauty's Punishment by Anne Rice (A N Roquelaure)
Alison says: 'The second in the series. I always liked this one the best, with the townspeople and the pony boys... there is one stable scene I'll never forget.'7. My Secret Life by 'Walter'.
Kristina says: 'Disturbing, compelling, infuriating, darkly sexy, & truly pornographic in its fascination for detail.'8. Yellow by Makoto Tateno
Madelynne says: 'Two drug snatchers, one gay, one straight. Edgy, complex, funny and absolutely riveting, and I just love the way Taki extracts himself from all those clinches.'9. Dominant by Felix Baron
Madeline says: '...decidedly masculine in style, yet surprisingly gentle in its
description of a sensitive man who longs to share his perversity with an
eager, honest woman. And the sex is explicit, stylish and hot.'10. The Man Who Fell in Love With the Moon by Tom Spanbauer
Shanna says: 'This lyrical, sensual, almost-cowboy book about a bi-sexual boy named Shed will break your heart, turn you on, and break your heart again.'11. Les Fleurs du Mal (Flowers of Evil) by Charles Baudelaire
Alison says 'I was seduced by the translated words of this poet, eg...
Rule your life and your youngness
I shall rule you with a fear."
Or "I shall beat you without rage
Or hate, as Moses struck the rock,
As a butcher strikes his block,
So, there you have it. Now it's your turn to share some of your favourites with us, and recommend some titles we may not have discovered yet. There were plenty of other books we considered but couldn't quite squeeze onto the list, but I'm sure the girls will tell you about those in the comments.
Then, when you're finished here, why not nip over to and celebrate the literary form by helping preserve the world's greatest book collection by adopting a book at the British Library. There's a whole range of titles to choose from, including everything from Wuthering Heights to Trainspotting to Where the Wild Things Are. (Hmm, I might have to adopt that one myself.)