By Mat MaddenOn Monday Janine Ashbless proclaims, I would do anything for smut writing, but I won't do that!
Join her and a gang of Lust Biters for a chat about the things they just can't bring themselves to write about. Squickiness should abound.
You'll have to wait until then to find out my personal writing demons, but I will tell you about one thing I like: big butch beauties. That's why I'm grabbing the crush Wednesday slot to tell you why macho men do it for me.
And on Friday we hand over the reins to prolific Cheek author Michelle M Pillow.
And, woot, here are the results of the Lust Bites anthology super-bumper competition.

(Lust Bites and Split) is Ally
Wednesday's winner
(Lust Bites and Gothic Blue) is Leeanne
Friday's winner
(Lust Bites and The Silver Collar) is Blackroze37
Just mail your details to lustbitesladies (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thanks to Portia da Costa for the awesome vampy pic.
I just have to say that I lurve Riddick. Odd cause I'm really not into all those muscles.
And that's just for starters. I have a really lovely Vin Diesel pic on the blocks for Wednesday. Just beautiful.
Good, I need cheering up! Currently feeling sorry for myself as I'm all flued up!
In the vampy pic, is it just me, or does he look like the bastard child of Lister and the Cat from Red Dwarf?
Hope you feel better soon, Madelynne. Hugs to you!
Portia, I think you've divined his parentage... maybe that's the true origin of vampires? I always thought there was something a bit undead about Lister.
And - oh, goodness! Look up there! Yes, there at the top of the sidebar! In red! Can that be a brand new link to Competition winners, where all winners will find their names in lights forever more? Can it be? Yes! It is!
What a marvelously organized group we are. Well done MM, and Olivia - it's a miracle! One click of the mouse and there it is, orderly and with pics - our winners! I like it!
Olivia - brilliant idea. Thanks!
Portia - LMAO!
And Mathilde - Muscles!!! Yay!
"Janine gets stroppy"?
Honey, I was born stroppy.
I was the baby who slapped the midwife's arse.
LOVE vin diesel!!!!!
hot hot hot
i actually had a photo of him in bedroom , lol my great aunt kept looking at it weird, though never said nothing
thank you! im so looking forward to reading lust bites! and the silver collar!!!!
Okay, maybe I should have said Janine gets stroppier! Dang, I guess people do read my tweaking of the sidebar, and there I was thinking nobody ever noticed.
I always thought there was something a bit undead about Lister.
I'm gonna tell Ashley you said that.
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