by Portia Da Costa
I always wanted to write a vampire story. I wanted to write one way back in 1996, when I had the idea for GOTHIC BLUE. But at the time, I was advised that vampires=erotic was a bit of a cliché, and that Anne Rice had just about cornered the market in sexy vampires anyway... How bizarre does that sound nowadays, when vampires are one of the most popular themes, perhaps the most popular theme in paranormal erotic romance writing?
Anyway, knowing that I was tackling the vampire genre, my Black Lace chum Janine Ashbless was curious to know how a lover of nice guy heroes and Happily Ever After like me would portray an undead bloodsucker who preys on humans. So she sent me a bunch of questions about BUDDIES DON'T BITE...
Janine Ashbless) How long have you been writing paranormal erotica? Is it something you've always been interested in, or is it a taste that has evolved?
Portia Da Costa) I’ve actually been writing paranormal erotica since the early 80’s. The very first things I ever wrote were a quintet of erotic romance short stories in which the hero was a zombie. When I eventually reached publication standard, the first short story I ever had published – The Man in Black, which appeared in Forum – was a ghost story. My first full length paranormal novel was Gothic Blue, published in 1996. So you could say I’ve always been interested in the juxtaposition of sex and the supernatural.
JA) "Buddies Don't Bite" is the gentlest take on Vampires I think I've read - very romantic and emotional. What made you decide to reject the normal "arrogant predator" type?
PDC) It wasn’t so much that I rejected the ‘arrogant predator’ type, it was more that I was drawn to a different kind of vampire. I was interested in what would happen if a decent, noble, humane man became vampire and was able to retain those qualities of humanity. I wanted to write a proper romance and I used a classic category romance device, the ‘friends to lovers’ story, only where one of the friends just happened to be a vamp.
JA) Why do you think Vampires are so popular with readers? What is it about them that appeals to you in particular?
PDC) That’s hard to quantify. I think it must be something to do with the eternal youth and beauty, the preternatural strength, and the sensuality of taking blood at the neck. I think I probably like vamps for pretty much the same reason as the next reader, the unique blending of danger and sex.
JA) Is there a real life model for your vampire Zack?
PDC) Well, I’ve been going through a phase where many of my heroes are inspired by different faces of one of my favourite actors, Vincent D’Onofrio. Zack is very much a young, romantic Vincent, much as he appeared in the early scenes of the movie Salt On My Skin.
JA) I have a theory that people who like cats like Vampires. They're so much in common: the nocturnal lifestyle, the grace, the aloof independence, the recreational cruelty ... So, are you a big cat fan?
PDC) I’m totally devoted to cats. I’ve lived with them for nearly 30 years and I dote on them as my constant companions. Yes, they are cruel sometimes, but it’s simply a part of their nature, and because they are beautiful, I excuse them. I’m not keen on having to deal with the mice they ‘release’ into the house though!
JA) Zack's a virgin - is the experienced woman/uninitiated man a favourite theme of yours?
PDC) Yes, I think this must be a favourite theme of mine, although I don’t know why. I’ve had ‘innocent’ men in several of my books, including The Tutor, Lessons and Lovers and The Stranger. But my ‘innocents’ are always extremely quick studies and have great instincts where sex is concerned. ;)
JA) How do you feel about writing to novella length?
PDC) I thought it would be hard to write novellas. Too long for a short story, too short for a novel… But actually, I’ve found it quite easy. Almost second nature. It’s possibly because I’m not a great plotter, and the short length means there’s no space for a complex plot, so one of my simple ones works quite well.
JA) What gave you the idea for the wedding setting?
PDC) Well, it’s a classic setting for a romance novel or story, and I think I may perhaps have watched ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’ around the time I was cooking up the idea.
JA) Who's your favourite TV/movie Vampire?
PDC) I think my favourite TV vamp will always be Spike, although I didn’t really start to like him until he began his long, tortuous struggle towards being a good human man again, despite his vampire state. He had many false steps and setbacks, and fell prey to his demon nature again and again, but in the end, he became a true hero. As for movie vamps, my favourites are the diverse Count Draculas of Gary Oldman and Frank Langella. In Gary's interpretation, even though the Count is a ruthless killer, some justification for his actions is offered in the story and in the nuances of his performance. In Frank's there's not quite so much of this justification, although he does give hints of the loneliness of his life and the persecution of his kind...
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PDC) Yes, I’d be tempted, but only if I could be one of my ‘good’ vampires, and had a like‑minded companion to walk beside me in the eternal night.
JA) Please give us an excerpt from Buddies Don't Bite...
PDC) Here you go, Janine... Teresa and her house buddy Zack are in the kitchen discussing a wedding invitation... and somehow they find themselves kissing!

He had the most glorious backside. Tight and hard and round like a brace of ripe apples. And when she grasped it, he growled in his throat in a most astonishing way. Deep and fierce, like the call of a jungle animal, it bounced off the kitchen walls and filled her ears. If she hadn’t had his tongue in her mouth, Teresa would have said, ‘What the fuck is going on?’
Nibbling? More than that… as his mouth reached her throat, she suddenly yelped and jerked beneath him.
Dear God, that is so hot! He’s biting my neck!
Am I flying? This is weird…
She wriggled and parted her legs, not sure where the pleasure was… only knowing that it was like melting, dissolving, expiring… coming?
And then…
The rail-backed kitchen chair was hard beneath her thighs, and the glass cool in her hand. Her heart was thudding, and there was a silvery hum ringing in her ears. But despite this strange physical phenomenon and an accompanying sense of dislocation, she felt calm, almost serene… apart from a vague prickle of curiosity. She’d been panicking and fretting about something, but it was okay now. Zack had come up with a solution, hadn’t he?
Looking up, she was surprised to see him standing by the sink. His mouth was uncharacteristically tense, his lips tightly pursed and his eyes looked huge and very dark. She felt a jolt of worry. Had her silly invitation distressed him?
And finally here's a treat for Janine in the form of another Count Dracula! ;)
Images of Zachary Trevelyan courtesy of The Velocity of Vincent.
'Vampire Pleasure' image by 'betterthantheworst'
The very first things I ever wrote were a quintet of erotic romance short stories in which the hero was a zombie.
Wow. I assume he wasn't the greying-skin bits-dropping-off lurching kind? Does the quintet still exist? (If not, you know it'll be outed one day, in your Collected Works... which I'm guessing will be twice the length of A la recherche du temps perdu and about three million times as fun.)
I like your take on the vampire as keeping a certain humanity.
P.S. Any preferences at to what drink you'd like to be pickled in? Yup, still struggling with my own novella ;-)
It sounds great. I haven't read alot of vampire stories. But I like the sound of this one.
Yeah, my zombie guy had all his bits... although his skin was slightly off colour. :)
I think the quintet is lost forever, and that's probably a good thing. The first story got made into something else, extended and enhanced and rewritten, but the originals of the others were written on a typewriter and I've no idea if I still have the hard copies.
You'd probably best pickle me in Yorkshire Tea. LOL
Glad you liked it, Stacy. Zack is my first ever vamp, so brand new ground for me. :)
I can't believe that Janine had to ASK whether you loved cats...!
Great post - the story sounds like terrific fun. And oh, do I agree with you about Spike!
Hugs from Lisabet
I can't wait to read it. I'm dying to know what happen in more depth!
Please leave some excerpts;pretty please! I love your books so I know I'll love this one.
"He was surveying her physical geography, and he was impatient." Loved the exceprt Portia! I can't wait to read the whole story.
Weirdly, I had a vampire story published in Forum in the 90s and the guy was also called Zack. I went for a very unvampirey name in my novella - Billy. Although actually, he's Wilhelm Dresner III.
I think it's great that all three of us have come up with very different takes on the vampire theme. Yours sounds very modern and breezy, Mathilde's is fabulously, archly Gothic and mine's a snow-psycho epic. Something for everyone, I think!
LOL re. the cats, Lisabet! Asking ailurophiles like you and I whether we like cats is a dangerous thing, isn't it? Likely to open the floodgates to an entire essay celebrating the glories of all things feline!
Glad you liked the excerpt too. :)
Caitlyn, thanks for your kind words. There's another excerpt here :)
Ooops... so sorry, it's *Caitlin*, isn't it? Me bad...
Glad you liked the excerpt, Christyjan... and I hope the rest of the story lives up to your expectations. It was fun to write. :)
Mmm... Zack is a cool name for a vamp, isn't it, Kristina? :) But so are Billy and Wilhelm... Spike was a sort of a Wilhelm too, wasn't he?
And yeah, it's great that the stories are all so different. As Spock's people would say...
"Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations"
Well, *three* combinations! LOL
I enjoyed thinking up interview questions for Portia. And I want to read about this zombie hero too!
Zack is a total sweetie. I'm afraid I pictured him as Lawrence Llewelyn-Bowen when I was reading BDB, mind you!
I think the novella collections are a great idea - variety on a theme, but enough length for you to sink your teeth into...
(Unintentional vampire pun. Sorry!)
Janine! Actually, I quite like L L-B, so I don't mind you picturing Zack as him at all...
One thing I we forgot to mention were the 'teeth erections'! LOL
I can go with the Bowen as Zack configuration, but then I rather like Mr LL-B. Actually, one of my characters in Phantasmagoria has a waistcoat made out if his wallpaper. Okay, that made no sense did it?
But anyway, those Zombies.
Lovely excerpt BTW, but then I enjoyed reading the whole thing.
Oh yeah, the Teeth Erections!
When Zack gets turned on his teeth get bigger. Joyous!
What a fab extract Portia. So very unlike your usual writings. I'm very interested to read some more!
I like L L-B too. I feel a Crush Wednesday coming on.
Also, I am obsessed with character names. My vamp is called Darius Cole. And yes, it is all very gothic. But you'll find out about my dungeons and castles on Friday.
Meanwhile, PCD, I remember you telling us about this story in Manchester. How fabulous to see it reach the light of, uh, night!
And can we see the piccie of you and Mr Masters again? As we're on the subject of Spike. Because you know I do like to gnash my teeth with jealous rage when I see you actually physically touching David Boreanaz!
Portia, you never cease to amaze me.
I love how you manage to stamp your sensibilities on whatever subject you're tackling. Is that how one retains some integrity in this business? I wonder, is it too late for me?
'Buddies don't Bite' looks like a great ride. Congrats. The collection looks irresistible, so far, and I'm confident Friday's excerpt will seal the deal.
Buddies Don't Bite, you've got me hooked. I love vampire stories. This is great, I love it!!! It's on my wish list.
Portia, I am NOT a vampire reader. In fact, I usually won't read a book with them.
But yours? I'll buy it. Not only because I love the excerpt, but because I know you'll give me a different take on the vamp thing.
You've never disappointed me.
I can't WAIT to read this one.
I will look out for that waistcoat when I read Phantasmagoria, Madelynne. Sounds fab! I love descriptions of men's clothes... and pix of men in clothes... strange, huh?
My 'Zombie Lover' was a different kind of zombies to the ones we've discussed, but still, you never know... ;)
Looking forward to your vampires story, lady --also looking forward to GOTHIC HEAT! ;)
BIG Hugs,
S )O(
I will always giggle when I'm selecting excerpts of Buddies now, thinking of the teeth erections. LOL
Now that's the reason Zack's had to stay clear of female entanglement for so long... when he gets horny, he gets vampy, and that shows *above* the belt! Tee hee...
Mat, I *love* gothic! And Darius is also a cool name... I think I have it in my name 'bank' for future use sometime. Perhaps in a different subgenre. :)
Yes, I remember that conversation in Manchester. It was you and Madelynne who gave me the courage to submit the idea for Buddies. I would never have dared try without your encouragement. Thanks, chum!
And here's the piccie of me with Angel and Spike! A once in a lifetime moment... maybe I should write a fanfic sometime?
Melissa... yeah, even though vamps were new to me, I think I'd like to try another vampire story sometime... perhaps something a little darker, maybe?
Madeline, that's very interesting about me stamping my sensibilities on what I write... It's something I can't help doing, but I do sometimes wonder what it would be like to try and write against type. Could I do it? Would people like to read it? Or should I stick to what I know best?
Food for thought, there. :)
Lust Bites sounds so great! Loved the excerpt!
Tam, thanks... I hope you enjoy the whole story. Likewise the other two great novellas in the anthology!
And Jennifer, thanks for your kind words. I hope that you'll also enjoy the fantastic novellas by Kristina and Mathilde as well as mine.
Sabrina! Writing Buddies was a blast... hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it! The same with Gothic Heat... not vamps but still spooky!
Thanks, Amy... Yeah, I think the Lustbites anthology is wonderfully diverse, and that's it's great strength. :)
Here I am late to the party as usual, apologies, Portia.
Loved the post and the excerpt which was so smooth and sexy. It lured me in and compelled me to want to read more.
I must say I do find vampires sexy, especially the tortured souls who are struggling to reform. In fact I'm baring my neck right now!
Now I see the photo of my two favourite vampires with their arms around you. Portia you are a very lucky lady.
I really loved Spike and Angel's relationship on-screen and was really irritated when that great programme was cancelled.
You can't be late, Deanna! It's only 6:45 a.m. (in California, that is.)
I like this interview format. Very telling. But, Janine, really! Did you not see the video of PDC's cat on her blog? (I'm remembering correctly, right?) I like the concept that vampire lovers also love cats. What about erotic writers in general? I'm always receiving bios from people who list the names of their cats right alongside their published works, as if they're equally proud of both cats and books.
And, Mat: I am obsessed with character names.
For every book I put together, I will undoubtedly receive stories featuring characters with the same name. So I'm always having to go to a few authors and say, "Give me a new name for Renee," or what have you. Do you think popular names float into our subconscious and wind up in more than one story at once? It happens so often! And not only with standard names like Tim or Nick or Jake, but with Rowan and Alden and Blaize and the like.
Just curious.
Hi Deanna! Glad you liked the excerpt.
God, I was so upset when Angel was cancelled too! The show had so much going for it, not just in terms of Spike and Angel, but with other characters and arcs too. It was a shame to lose it...
And yeah, I'd definitely like to write another vamp novella or story sometime, most certainly a struggling to be good type...
Funny about names, Alison, isn't it? There are common favourites, especially in paranormal erotic romance. I think about 50% of all vamp heroes are called Lucien or Lucius or some variant... at least it sometimes seems that way.
Maybe I'll write a story about somebody called Wilf or Amos or Fred or Obediah. :)
ps. I think I *am* as proud of my cats as I am of my books. :)
So now you've got me wondering, if vampire writers--well, writers of vampire stories--love cats, do werewolf writers love dogs? Or, more likely, slaughter them, unless they're very, very submissive. And extremely hot bitches. Literally.
Great stuff, Portia
Cool point, Sacchi... I've never written a werewolf story, and I'm cat orientated, so I can't comment...
But both Tilly and Janine may have an answer for you... They're the Queens of Werewolves!
Hey Wendy/Portia!
Buddies Don't Bite, sounds wonderful. I like the idea of an sexually inexperienced vamp.
I agree with your choices of fave vamps, Spike was so much more interesting than Angel. lol And in my opinion, Frank Langella was the epitome of a sexy vamp. Whew!
Patti Looking forward to the US relase of Love Bites
Portia I love both of the excerpts! It sounds really good. So does it come in e-book? Because other wise I have to wait till January ugh :o) I’ll admit it I’m a very impatient person LOL I like immediate gratification ;o)
What a great interview and excerpt! I really enjoyed it!
Looking forward so much to this anthology.
Portia, you like cats?
(just kidding I know you do really, so do I, but I still don't like vampires)
WOW - that's hot.
I've always loved vampires - they're the total embodiement of everything that I lust after in this world.
Sex, hunger, lust....
Well, since it's so cold here...I think I'll stroll outside and cool down a bit...
*mumbles to self* Must stop reading this at work...
Kudos, Portia!!
Alison—You've written so many stories . . . when you're in the writer's seat, do you ever find yourself gravitating to the same names you've used before? (I know this happens to me, and I've written only a fraction as many stories as you. I keep a list of the names I've already used—it reads like an orgy.)
It will be so refreshing to read another take on the vampire genre, really looking forward to this book ladies.
I love cats too but I live on a main road and my last cat got run over. I've recovered from that, as it was some years ago but I refuse to have another one until I move somewhere quieter.
Alison I though your comments about character names was interesting. I sometimes struggle to find one to suit the character I envisage. You often find me on baby names sites - my other half would have a fit if he saw me trawling through them!
I once named one of my characters Rafe and when I got a printed copy of the book my editor, who shall remain nameless but she was female, had changed the name to Ralph.I was pretty p*****.
Glad you got into this genre it's my favorite, sounds like my kind of read!
The discussion of character names just made me think of something—it may be a totally stupid idea, but here goes:
What if one day you scheduled a "Character Party" for Lust Bites, where each of you Lusties logged in as one or more of your own characters, and interacted with each other.
Patti... Yeah, in terms of Draculas, it's a toss up for me between Gary and Frank. Both are compelling, but I think I'll always have a special place in my heart - or on my neck - for Frank, 'cos I loved him first.
But I'm keen to see how Janine's Gerard performs in the role. He's got oodles of charisma and he certainly looks the part! :)
Leeann... I don't think Lust Bites is being issued as an ebook. At least not just yet. Some Black Lace books have been published as digital downloads and ebooks, although not usually until after the print books have been out some time. Sorry, looks like you'll have to wait a little while...
Glad you're enjoying these LB excerpts, Kate... even if you're not a vamp fan as a rule! LOL
Oops, Angell, hope you didn't get into bother at work reading my excerpt! LOL
Jeremy, your character blog idea sounds like fun...
Actually, I asked one of my characters if she'd like to be interviewed for LustBites when the book that she's in comes out... but she told me to **** off! LOL
do you ever find yourself gravitating to the same names you've used before?
Yes. All the time, and (jeremy, I'm not just kissing up here) I do like J names:
I try to keep my ears open for unusual names. My old trick was to use names from my high school graduating class (there were 450 of us) and switch around the last names.
Maybe this is why I avoid reunions!
Oh dear, Deanna... I've got a character called Rafe coming up. Now I'm scared the editor will call him Ralph!
Tetewa... I think the vampire subgenre could easily become my favourite too. :)
Am trying to think of another novella plot... not sure I could stretch to a full length novel.
"I was interested in what would happen if a decent, noble, humane man became vampire and was able to retain those qualities of humanity."
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm soooo tired of the clichéd arrogant vampire, and even more tired of the clichéd angsty vampire (see, e.g., Moonlight). Your guy sounds much more interesting. Can't wait to read it!
I also loved Spike, once he found his underlying humanity. His never-requited love for Buffy, his brotherly love/fierce protectiveness of Dawn...
My favorite vampire by far right now is Henry from Blood Ties. Smart and worldwise, but not angsty. Wicked sense of humor. Son of Henry VIII. What's not to love?
I also love Jason Dohring's vampire on Moonlight, and wish he were the main character!
Portia, I loved this whole blog post! IT was nice to see the pics..I love vamps!! I am always on the lookout for a new vamp book. I don't get too many sent to me for book reviews which is kinda sad but if I usually see one on the shelf at the bookstore or grocery store it comes home with me! Great blog! Hugs and love, Crystal
Hi Dayle! Yeah, I liked that protective, older brother thing that Spike had going on with Dawn. In earlier days of their relationship she was much less judgemental of him than the others were.
I haven't seen these other shows you mention. Not sure if they're on UK television yet, but I'll definitely look out for them, esp. your two fave vamps! :)
Glad you enjoyed the post and all the vamp pix, Crystal!
do werewolf writers love dogs?
Well, in my case - Oh Yes!
If I have any belief about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons. James Thurber
Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate. Sigmund Freud
Take a look at this lovely lot
I'd take them all home if I had room.
Aw, those greyhounds are lovely!
I'm primarily a cat person, but I do actually like dogs too. And I've heard that greyhounds make wonderful pets... :)
"Take a look at this lovely lot
I'd take them all home if I had room."
Oh my. Several of those look as much like dogs who've shared my life as is possible when mine had no known greyhound blood. Sigh.
Why yes, I've written werewolf fiction, but only once (so far), and that was very long ago and in a very small press sf/f zine. Must try again.
love the seexcerpt! gosh that was HOT !!
all your book covers are WONDERFUL!
Blood Ties is on satellite TV in the UK . I watch it but I set up series link on my Sky+ and I can't remember if it is on 'Bravo'or 'Living' and neither of them are on freeview.
oh my goodness... my legs have
buckled beneath me and I've
gotta get upstairs to bed...
I know what my dreams will be
I so want to lick the blood
off Vincent's perfect face
"And I've heard that greyhounds make wonderful pets... :)"
They're cats in giant dog suits, apparently! If I didn't travel so much, I'd definitely have one. Or two.
Glad you enjoyed the excerpt, BlackRoze... :)
Ann! Fellow Vincent lover! I just knew that my 'interpretation' of Zack would push your buttons! I adore that soulful expression...
"Cats in giant dog suits"? Wow, I've always felt drawn to greyhounds... this must be the reason!
I have two greyhounds in Split (published TODAY in the UK!). They belong to Jake, the mad, beautiful puppeteer, and they're sweet, lazy creatures called Noah and Twiglet. I describe them as being more like cats than dogs, and also 'as muscled and spare as anatomical drawings'. Greyhounds, like puppets, don't have much flesh on them. That's why they're in the book. And also because they're such a lovely breed.
And I have a masturbating vampire cat (an Arctic pedigree) in The Vampire's Heart. Um, because that's a lovely breed too.
Jeremy, your idea of us coming as our characters (should I rephrase that?) is insane but I can't help liking it. Here's a thing: in The Vampire's Heart, my novella in Lust Bites (also published TODAY in the UK!), there's a minor character called Miss Tilly. And in Tilly - I mean, Mathilde Madden's - LB novella, Under Her Skin, there seems to be a vampire called Kristina! Ah, the games we play!
So anyway, I could visit Lust Bites disguised as Miss Tilly from Lust Bites - "Oh, look! Hot gay men having sex! Where are my handcuffs?" etc etc and Tilly could be Kristina from Lust Bites (ie the vampire) and ... and now my head is hurting at the thought of me doing an impression of Tilly doing an impression of a character called Kris ... ouch.
Anyway, I'll be along later to remind you all that Split and Lust Bites are published TODAY in the UK! Or maybe I'll send Tilly.
Greyhounds are fantastic pets and are catlike in that they're delicate and fastidious and spend a lot of time sleeping.
And I totally get the puppet comparison - their back legs are entirely mechanical engineering with no flesh, so if the light is behind them you can actually see it shining through their hock skin, like stained glass. It's a bit weird for people used to hairy, plump, lollopy dogs.
'as muscled and spare as anatomical drawings' - lovely, Kristina. I'm glad you used greyhounds in Split. And I hope Noah and Twiglet survive!
"Oh, look! Hot gay men having sex! Where are my handcuffs?"
Is that meant to be me or Miss Tilly?
Or both?
I see you more as a "Ms."
Thanks, Janine.
Tilly, I see you as inseparable.
And AT, Miss Tilly's a one-eyed, 18th century fag hag. See what I mean? Inseparable.
I just remembered why I've always loved vampires.
WOW! Great excerpt.
I'm a fan of Vincent too!
Better late than never I guess. Wow company from out of town can actually tear me away from my favorite Lusties. Very nice Portia. Yummy excerpt.
very excited to read the book...
Some of my buddies bite!
Hi to Ally, Wandergurl, MelJPrincess, Val and Laura...
Have been laid low with a cough and cold for a day or two, and didn't realise you'd all dropped in to comment!
So glad you all enjoyed the excerpt... it was a fun story to write! :)
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