Sunday, July 29, 2007

Coming Attractions

What a week it was last week. I hope you didn’t miss anonymous's post about sexual fantasy. Our thanks to everyone who shared a fantasy of their own. It seems like the majority of our readers are in need of a spanking! Then again, maybe I knew that.

Talking of spanking, on Monday Scott McMorrow is here with our own Little Miss Spanking, Alison Tyler. Scott's a playwright. You know, like Shakespeare. Except Scott's really dirty. So, yeah, like Shakespeare.

In Scott's honour I have made this post properly iambic. Except for the bits where it isn't.

In the middle of the week Dayle A Dermatis pops in - fresh from perching on our editor's lap in Texas - to give us a taste of her latest Cheek novel, A Little Night Music. It's a dirty riot of rock stars and bondage. Cue my excuse for the picture upstairs. Nice, isn’t it?....

…Um, where was I? Oh, yes. On Friday one of our newest Lusties, Deanna Ashford pops her Lust Bites cherry with a debut post interviewing prolific author Mandy M Roth.

And if we can make it through the week without Kristina Lloyd popping up and making a joke about anal sex, I'll be amazed.

Twinkle Bodkin
How did all this drool get on my keyboard?


Alison Tyler said...

What did you say? I'm too busy looking at Trent.


Sommer Marsden said...

Urph. Nice pic...

Anonymous said...

I have come here in disguise to look at Mr Reznor. Nobody knows who I am. Nobody knows my seedy sexual fantasies or anything weird like that.

Heck, best of all, nobody knows I'm sat here with my tongue hanging out, dreaming of licking that torso all the way up and all the way down ...

Anonymous said...

oh nice...

Ally said...

You stopped my heart with that picture! I have every Nine Ince Nail CD and "Closer" is one of my favorite songs and videos...

That picture on was so imediately recognizable I got all bouncy! Pant... Pant...

Heres a link to the vidoe if anyone wants it.

Can't wait for this weeks articles. See you there.

Ally said...

Apearantly I can't spell either... Pant